Ok, today is Sunday and the sun isn’t up yet. We, that is Tres and I are not planning on taking a walk, unless I get done with this posting very quick, then we might. I did sit a lawn sprinkler out in about three places yesterday, attempting to provide some water to parts of the back 40 that does not get water. We did wash the Tres yesterday; he looks and smells better.
Different topic, aka old memory:
School will be starting in the next week or two and I guess that is what has me thinking about school. I remember when I went to May Green school and we lived on Benton Street we would most often walk or ride our bikes to school. Now school was 4 blocks from our house and there were several kids who lived on our block that went to May Green, so we would often walk or ride to and from school in groups.
When we moved out of town, I started going to Juden school. Now Juden school was a very small school which I have spoken about in the past. Juden school consisted of a basement and a first floor, in other words there was two class rooms, one in the basement and one on the main floor. Down stairs were first, second third and fourth grades, while upstairs were fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. As you may be able to see, one teacher for 4 classes down and one teacher for 4 classes up. Each grade consisted of one row of desks.
I was in the fifth grade and our teacher was Mr. Hurt. Mr. Hurt was a preacher and a teacher. I remember my first day there when it was lunch time, and they had sheets of plywood attached to the walls on hinges, on either side of the room. They would raise the plywood and there was a board that held the plywood in place and that was used as tables.
They had a lady who fixed lunch for the kids and we would walk up to the window get our lunch and take it to a table and sit down. On my first day I sit down, and I took a bite of food, when the kid next to me told me to stop. Everyone had to be seated and the teacher / preacher had to pray before we could eat.
The toilets were out back of the school, they were made of cement blocks, aka they were out houses. No, there was no water in the toilets, they were not flushable potties!
In truth I do not remember how I got to school, I guess my mom may have taken me. I do know how we got home, we walked. Our group was made of several kids, one of the older boys was kind of in charge. We all walked together, I assume the vehicles could see the group and would go around us. It was a good mile to where I lived and as we walked the kids would drop out of the group when they came to their house. I was one of the last to get to my house. There were times when I walked the last quarter mile alone.
There are other memories of going to Juden school, but I will save them for another time.
I am going out and moving the sprinkler to another spot in the back 40 and then Tres and I may go for a short walk. Hope you have a good day and be safe!
The Don, memory sharer!
Senior ole person who needs to get going, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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