
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August 1, 2023

            I get tired of watching the same things on TV, whether it is the so-called news or some TV show. I find myself not watching the story or news line, but I do look at the clothes these people have on and or their body language. As an example, if there are several people in the scene, and if there are both male and female, I consider why in most situations the female is showing some parts of her body while the male is fully clothed. If someone wants to be treated as equal, then dress equal.

            I find eyes as being interesting also. Some eyes of both male and female are very pretty and or interesting, while some do not draw any attention. Less eye makeup is better than a lot. Now the eye brows of some, which are drawn on, are just irritating to me. When it is obvious, they are not even close to where the real eye brow would have been, it just seems clownish.

            I also check the nose out. Now I have a big ole nose but since I can’t see mine, I can look at others. Some noses you can’t see into as the person is talking, and some you can see into. One kind of nose hides the boogers and the other shows the boogers.

            I also like body language when there is more than one person on the set. When one is talking, I watch the others. Are they paying attention, are they looking bored, are they trying to hide their disagreement with what is being said? Body language can tell me that one person feels important and another does not, or that one person is a team player and the other is not. 

            Well, I guess I will stop complaining, and go to another subject.

            As we sat outside yesterday afternoon, I was noticing that the birds would be quiet, unless a hawk was around. When the birds start making loud noise without stopping, you might assume that there is a hawk in the area. If you see a bunch of doves fly out of a tree in more or less a panic mode, you should look for the hawk.

            Swap topics to cats: we got an offer from Claire to have a new cat. It seems that they have found a female cat which might be less than a year old. Claire wanted us to consider taking the cat. We considered, and then decided to decline the offer.

            Another cat topic: Tres and I went for an early morning walk and we observed what appeared to be a dead cat in a neighbor’s front yard. Later I spoke with the neighbor and she indicated that the cat was torn in two pieces. She asked if we had seen or heard any dogs being loose in the area, and I said we had not.

            Well, I guess I will abstain from further verbalizing, we hope you have a good day filled with love and kindness. One other thing, “Please stay safe”!

Bird listener!

Senior ole person who needs to do a couple things today, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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