
Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27, 2023

            Well, we bought two bags of popcorn from the boy scouts and the popcorn is good but a little expensive. We talked with Alex and a couple of the other boy scouts before we paid the price, then we headed off to get some lunch. Lunch was good and after eating we had nothing to do so we headed back home. And I did a lot of sitting on Sat all day (aka Saturday)

            Actually, I did get outside later in the afternoon and sprayed for ants and bugs along the shaded front of the house. I will do the back of the house when the sun isn’t shining on it.

The sprinkler system ran early yesterday morning, and I also ran the sprinklers later in the afternoon one section at a time, for 6 minutes per area. I try to run the sprinklers in shaded areas when the sun is off the grass.

We did sit outside yesterday afternoon, even though it was 107 degrees. A friend did come over and sit with us, we had some lively conversations.

Due to the fact that today is Sunday, I had decided to take Tres for a very short walk, just down the street and back, then get in here at the keyboard. A neighbor came out in the front yard so we stopped and talked for a while. Now I am back in the so-called office.

Fiction or fact?

Allow me to provide some background information which I observed on the so-called news this morning. A lady had a stroke about 18 years ago. This lady has been unable to speak since the stroke occurred. The doctors and scientist have been working with artificial intelligence (aka A I) to create a way for this lady to be able to talk to others. They have implanted a device in her head that connects to a computer via wires, which now allows her brain to send signals to the computer and the computer turns those signals into spoken words.

The doctors and scientists are now working on finding a way to have this system work without being connected to the computer, in other words, wireless transfer of info from the brain to the computer. 

Why did I provide you with that information, allow me to explain. I wrote a story a few years ago about scientists who could communicate with computers using devices that were attached to or on their bodies, like special glasses and watches, but they wanted to be able to communicate with computers without special devices. In other words, communicate with the computer just through the thought process. In my story, there is a way to communicate with the computer using only thoughts. 

It seems as if my fictional story of a few years ago is turning out to be fact. Now that part of the story seems to be fact, will the rest of the story be fact too?


Ok, that is all for now, we are going to wash the dog. We hope you have a good day and please stay safe.

Fiction turns to fact?

Senior ole person who needs to get the dog shampoo out, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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