No dog walking this morning, I have a sprinkler set up near the black berries, flowers were watered.
Cell phone problems, my so-called smart phone has been acting up more than usual lately. In my way of thinking, it makes too many notification sounds. You know, you get a message and it sounds, then there is another message and it sounds. Why not one sound for several messages?
Well today I was sitting on the Ford’s ole recliner thinking that I might kick back and do nothing until Dave called. Now Dave usually gets off work about 11:00 on Fridays but he got off at about 10:30 yesterday. My so-called smart phone was next to me and it made no sound. Dave called on the house phone, yes, we still have a house phone, and he said he had tried to call me on the cell phone twice, but it went into voice mail.
I looked at my cell phone and it did not show voice mail, so I hit the restart button on the phone thinking it just needed a restart. I headed out to get Dave. In the Ford’s ole Chevy I tried to call Dave but it would not call him. I then tried to call the home phone and it would not call the home phone.
I was able to get Dave home, and when I returned to my home, I again tried to get my cell phone to work but I could not access the voice mail. I then called the provider and I got a robotic voice (AI). It started asking questions, and I started responding. We had several back and fourths and the robot (AI) reset my voice mail password, then I had to reset the greeting.
All that done, I was allowed to try and use the voice mail and it works. I guess the robots (AI) know more than real people do and they work for less money!
Now I am setting here and the some-what smart phone has made a notification sound 5 or 6 times, and there is only one email, which I have not clicked on. If I click on the notification the sounds are not repeated. I guess ole people need more notifications that real people.
I just got another notification saying, “Backup not complete leave the phone idle”. If it wants to be left idle, then don’t notify me!
After all that, I was not a happy camper, and I decide to take on another project that I had been putting off, updating my pass word list. Now I have two lists, one has the complete pass words, and the other has passwords that are missing characters. I can look at the short version and know what the complete password is. The short version is printed so I can easily access any of the passwords. The complete version is in the computer, for me if my brain stops working, or if I pass on to… you know where.
Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a nice day, and please be safe.
Password wizard!
Senior ole person who may use Saturday as my, “Sat-all-day” Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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