
Thursday, August 10, 2023

August 10, 2023

            This morning’s events: so far nothing to unusual, but when the Tres and I went out to get the paper, no we don’t get a paper anymore but we still go out each morning, there was a dove calling. Now I see you are thinking why is the Don commenting on a dove calling out. Well, I will explain; it was an unusually quiet morning, it was a clear call from the dove, the same call each time, and there were no other birds making any sounds. Yep, it got my attention.

            Tres and I did go for a walk before sunrise, and the flower pots have been watered, I am now here at the key board enlightening you, the reading public!

            Yesterday events: not a lot happened, but I did get my hair cut. I had the lady to cut the hair around the sides and back of my hair with a #2 clipper. That short haircut does what I was hoping for. When I get hot and sweaty now, there is no sweat drops hanging on the hair off the back of my head like there use to be.

            As we sat outside yesterday afternoon, our friends from across the street came over to enjoy the excessive heat with us. We had some good conversations; it is always nice when friends drop by.

            Old work memory:

We moved to Hewitt June 1979, and they had just started on the Distribution Center building. There was some foundation that had been poured and they had started placing a couple of the wall panels. We worked out of a trailer, that is me and the fellow who was in charge of the construction. It took a while to get the walls up and the roof on, heck they were building rack (aka shelving) as they were finishing the roof. Contractors built the rack but we had to label everything, which meant we had to hire some staff. 

The first office area that was build was the receiving office. We started out with about 20 staff. These staff were placing the location tags on the rack and shelving for each item we stocked. The racks are for the big items and pallet quantities, the shelving was for the smaller items. The team (hourly staff and management) back in those days were like a family. There were times such as Thanksgiving holiday, when my wife would fix an entire meal for the team and we would all have lunch at work.

Before the building was complete and secured, we were receiving and stocking merchandise. We had hired a security company who had a guard at the building during the hours that we were not there.

The offices and main building were being completed, the racks were being stocked we hired a shipping manager whose name was Don, and drivers. Yep, back in the olden days the drivers were HWI employees, now days the driving staff are no longer HWI / DIB employees, they lease the trucks and driving staff.

One of the shipping staff we hired had a nick name of “Knuckles”. Now Knuckles said his grandmother gave him that name. Knuckles was a shipper and he was our spotter. The spotter is the person who backs the trailers up to the doors for loading. Knuckles still works for the truck leasing company.


Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope your day is cool and we are praying for rain. Everyone, please stay safe. 

Memories, we all have them!

Senior ole person who hopes his favorite wife will take him out to supper this evening;

Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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