
Thursday, August 24, 2023

August 24, 2023

            Allow me to start with, I am already tired of the political crap, and yes, I called it crap, which is on the so-called news all the time. Now let me apologize for presenting my distasteful comment, and hopefully the rest of this posting may be more casually presented.

            I did go to the teller machine and get our $5.00 stipend this morning. While I was driving there, I observed a large person walking with a dog. My first thought was this large person was getting some exercise in an attempt to become a normal sized person, that is until I observed the smoke coming from her mouth, and the cigarette in her hand.

            I did also get a cup of real coffee, and it took way to long in the drive through to get a cup.

            Topic of the day, “Penny pincher”.

            Yesterday afternoon friends from across the street came over and sat outside in the heat (103) with my favorite wife and I. There were many topics, but one was a question from the lady friend, directed at me, “are you the one who drops the pennies on the street?

            Allow me to provide some back ground for this question. Over the last few years as this lady friend and another lady friend from down the street go for their morning walks, they would often find a penny here and there on the street. They have at different times ask me if I put the pennies on the street. Now I have never told them that I did not put them there, but I never admitted that I did put them there.

            I am now admitting that I did and do drop pennies on the street in various locations and I had started doing that a long time back, hoping that anyone finding the penny would have good luck.

            More back ground to this story. When my present wife and I first got married we were on a tight budget, and anytime we found a heads-up penny we considered that to be good luck. If we needed to purchase something, we believe that the penny we found was a sign that we would be able to purchase the item we needed. For us the penny was a sign of good luck.

Now I am sure there are some among you who are of the opinion that there is no such thing as good luck, and maybe you are right. Maybe it is not good luck, maybe it is something called belief! In the bible Mark 9:23, there is a statement, “all things are possible to him who believes”!

So, as we see it, finding a penny heads up was good luck to us, because we believe that whatever it was that we needed, we would get. Believing would cause us to work toward getting the item we needed, “all things are possible to him who believes”!

Believe in God and all things are possible!

Well, I guess that is the sermon for the day, we hope you have a day filled with good luck, and part of that is staying safe. Please pray for rain.

Believe not, get not!

Senior ole person who believes, and who needs a bite to eat for lunch, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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