The holiday is over, and I need to get back to work. The back 40 needs to be mowed and I have already knocked the weeds down in the ditch, which was no easy task. I got started a little before 7:00am on Monday, and I finished around 10:00am. To help me remember why the work was so difficult, I have a photo of the ditch where the city employees had messed it up with the four-wheeler.
The weeds in the ditch weren’t too bad the day they made all the deep tire marks, but the deep tire marks are still there, they were covered up by tall weeds when this ¾ of a century old senior person (that is 75 years old) went out there to mow them down.
Another problem in cutting the weeds down was there had been a heavy rain and the water had run down the ditch causing a lot of the weeds in the center of the ditch to be laying down, and they were filled with leaves and other trash which came from further up the ditch. cutting down the 3-foot-tall weeds that are standing upright is fairly easy, but when they are bent over and have debris in them, it is difficult.
I believe I am the only one who tries to keep the weeds in the ditch behind his house knocked down. I have a photo taken as I was completing said work period.
One can no longer see the tracks from the four-wheeler, but they are still there, covered by the weeds that I have cut down. One can trip over the tracks when trying to remove the weeds. In the selfie, I was a little dirty and I may have been sweating. I was allowed to clean off the grass and other dirt from my clothes and body, out in the back 40, then I was allowed to remove my clothes in the Fords ole garage, yes, the garage door was down, then I was able to get my ole body into the shower. Ole body clean, several glasses of H2o (water) I sit down and rested for at least 30 minutes. After the rest period I went to the ole refrigerator and found some leftovers for lunch.
Topic change but still Monday; I have informed you, the reading public in the past, I think it was about a year ago, about subscriptions to XM radio. We have two subscriptions, one for the Ford’s ole Chevy and one for my favorite wife’s van.
Each year I get an email stating that my subscription will be automatically renewed, the date of the renewal, and the cost of the renewal. This year they also noted, I would be billed monthly.
The cost was going to be $276.60 for the year, and the monthly payments would be a little over $23.00. As usual I waited until a couple days before the renewal date, and I called them. I told them to cancel, he wanted to know why, and I said it cost too much. He said he would look and see if they had any promotions they could offer, I was put on hold,
He came back and said, “you have been a customer since 2013, we will give you the same deal we gave you last year, $77.01 for the year”. He then told me what the monthly payment would be, and I told him, “No, I do not like monthly payments, a onetime payment or nothing”. I got the one-time payment. Ask or you will not receive.
The above was all done on Monday.
Today, it is 80 degrees outside, and the sun has not come up yet, the humidity is very high today. Mowing and trimming the back 40 will be a hot job. I will need to first water the flowers in the flowerpots, then I can turn my attention to the back 40. The front yard needs to be mowed again, maybe I should not let the sprinklers water the front yard.
Well, let's see how the day goes, we hope you have a good day and please be safe.
Grass, good or bad?
Senior ole person who will get outside as soon as the sun comes up, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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