
Friday, July 21, 2023

July 21, 2023

            Another Friday and still too hot to do anything outside. The front yard could stand to be mowed but I don’t want to get out there and do it, and I don’t want the yard man Alex to work in the heat either.

            Let us see what happened yesterday: My favorite wife and I went to Wally world and my wife wanted to get her hair cut. The hair butcher was open when we arrived, so my first wife went in and got in a chair. The hair stylist (aka hair Butcher) started on her and offered me a chair. I sat there a couple minutes when I heard a cat making noise. The hair butcher said, “The cat is in the ceiling,” I think she said it has been there 2 days now.

            Then a fellow came in and asked if he could get his hair cut. Now his hair looked like he had not had a haircut for several months, and he looked like he has not combed it during those several months. He began to talked to me, and I, being a nice person, responded to his conversation. He continued to talk the entire time we were there. Hair butchering complete, we headed out into the store to get some potting soil.

            That project completed, as we were heading for home, I remembered to stop at the teller machine to get our weekly stipend. Back at home we had a quick lunch and then took a nap as I pretended to watch TV.

            Later in the day I went outside and removed spider webs from the security cameras. The spider webs are not seen on the cameras during the day light hours, but when the cameras turn on their night vision, we can see the spider webs. I just used a broom and swept around each camera.  

We had a mouse in the house and I had seen it at one time. Now our cat is able to open the door from the office to the garage if it isn’t shut tight. There have been times when we walk into the office and the door would be open, and we did not know how long it was open. We assume that is how the mouse got in. We got some mouse traps and strategically placed them. The next day we had a dead mouse. Now we left the other traps in place just in case there may be more than this one mouse.

We went out to supper at the cracker restaurant last night, the turkey and dressing was good and filling. Arriving back home we did sit outside in the heat for a while, even though it was 104 yesterday. We let the Tres come out with us, and I have been putting a bowl of water with ice in it for him to drink. Tres likes Ice water, and I do too!

With this heat, I am planning on either increasing the amount of time the sprinkler system runs for each section, or I might let it run as usual, and then about noon set it up to run a second time. It is hot and dry here.

Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a good day and please stay safe.

Hair butcher!

Senior ole person who needs to get outside this morning for a minute or two, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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