
Thursday, July 20, 2023

July 20, 2023

            I haven’t done anything that was not covered in yesterday’s posting, except that I must have gotten up earlier than usual as Tres and I went out front and the sun wasn’t even close to coming up. It was also too early to water the flowers so I am here at the computer entering this information.

            My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon again, this time it was only 105 degrees. Yes, it was hot but the time we spend away from the daily routine and TV is good for us. We talk about many things and basically relax.

            I ordered a book for the next bible study, and it shipped from San Antonio, that is here in Texas if you weren’t sure. Leaving Texas, it went to Memphis TN. Now that is a long way away from where we are located. Then it left Memphis TN and came back to Waco Texas, and was then delivered to our house. One would think they would just put it on a truck and deliver it here in Texas. That is a lot of flying for my book.

            I just checked the security cameras and the sun might be trying to come up now.

            Our plans for the day is to go to Wally world this morning and get a couple items, maybe my present wife might get her hair cut, and then get back to the homestead.

            Well, I think that is it for now, hope you have a good day and please be safe.

Daily plans?

Senior ole person who needs to go water the flowers, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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