
Monday, July 3, 2023

July 3, 2023

            Well, I wonder what the Don did yesterday? He did nothing but take a couple naps and he did eat lunch. Wait a minute, he did go out into the garage and clean up a couple things. The homesteads generator is kept in the garage under a bench that was made of scrap wood, just for the generator. I wonder what the Don could do if he had some real lumber. I have a photo of the generator under the bench after the cleaning process was completed.

            Obviously, I had to remove the items that you can see on the top of the bench, but what you can’t see are the items that were under the bench, 4 pair of shoes, and three tools used to trim bushes, along with a bottle of liquid brick or cement sealer. I might have placed the bottle there but I did not place the other items there, and the shoes were not mine.

            The underside of the bench and the generator were covered with dust and lent type items along with some dog or cat hair. I have another photo of my assistant, and you can see where the generator and bench had been located.

            I used the ole broom, air from the air compressor, the leaf blower and a wet towel to clean and remove the dust and lent.


            In the above photo, the generator was sitting outside the garage, the electrical cords are always on top the generator when it is stored under the bench. You can see some of the crud that was on the generator before I started cleaning it. Yep, my assistant was not helping very much.

            I did not put any fuel in the generator and obviously did not start it, I will do that on a day when it is cooler.

            The Don did sweep the garage out after he had put everything back in its place and the Don did carry a couple tools and a folding bench out to the shed yesterday. I almost forgot, we also washed the dog yesterday, and then just sit around. Ole people have nothing fun to do.

            Today I might go out to the ditch and see if I can remove some of the weeds, but that is a maybe thing, I don’t like to get hot and dirty, and one does get hot and dirty weed eating.

            Well, I guess I will stop for now, we hope you have a good day today, and a good and safe holiday tomorrow.

Nothing to do senior!

Senior person who needs to get the garbage container out, and then a cup, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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