
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

July 12, 2023

            Well, if you were paying attention, you would have noticed that I did not send you an email yesterday stating that there was a posting. I did not have anything to write about yesterday and in truth, I have nothing to write about today.

            Yesterday afternoon: I looked at my phone a little before 3:00 and there was an update from weather bug, it stated, “rain in 15 minutes”. I checked the radar and there was some rain close to the northwest side of Waco. We got no rain at all. I did walk outside a few minutes later to toss a couple items out into the trash container, there was no breeze at all, it was very hot like walking into an oven.

            Also, yesterday afternoon: As I sit here in front of the security monitors, I saw two things happening outside. First, I saw a butterfly on one of the Bougainvillea plants, and I wonder why he or she is there, and not on one of the plants that my favorite spouse has bought specifically for the butterflies. Money spent for plants to attract the butterflies, and they go to a different plant. Second, the neighbor was trimming his yard in preparation for the lawn mower. His front yard needed to be mowed.

            Again, about yesterday: I went out back to add some bird food to the feeders we have, and during the process I noticed that there were limbs hanging down very low, and rubbing on the green house. These are live limbs so I then decided to see if I could cut them down, without poking holes in the Ford’s ole green house. This turned out to be more work than I had anticipated. It was hot, I am old, and my shirt was wet from perspiration. I cut more than I thought I would, and then I loaded them on the trailer.

I don’t mind being old, I don’t like feeling old!

            Today: Speaking of mowing, I plan to have our yard man Alex over here today, hopefully to get our front yard mowed. It is my plan to get him over here about 9:00 and that way he can get the work completed before it gets too hot. When I go to get Alex, I also plan to take the Ford’s ole trailer over to David’s house and leave it there. Dave wants to get some limbs hauled off on Saturday, that means the limbs I have already put on the trailer will get hauled off too.

            I also plan to have our yard man return on Thursday or Friday, and then he can mow the back 40. If we get started early on Thursday or Friday, we might beat some of the heat. Yes, Alex drinks a lot of water during his work periods.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a good day and please be safe.

Looking and feeling old!

Senior ole person who could use a cup of coffee, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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