Monday morning has been a productive morning. Tres and I went for a walk and we both enjoyed it, returning home I was able to water all the flowers and some of the grass in the front yard, before the sun rise. Yep, we got an early start, and I got a photo of a flower.
What’s new in the neighborhood: several mornings while I am watering the flowerpots, I have heard a chicken off in the distance. I now assume that someone has a few chickens possibly to get eggs, and maybe some chicken tenders.
When the Ford’s lived in Missouri we were outside the city limits, and we had various animals at various times. There were dogs, ducks, turkeys, chickens, rabbits, a pig and we even had a pony for a while. Now I tell you this to explain that any time our boy Patrick would go out in the yard, if the chickens were out of their pen, the rooster would come after Patrick. That same rooster attacked me one time, and those spurs being poked into my leg did hurt.
We got rid of that rooster by giving it to my mom. Now we lived south of Cape Girardeau and Mom lived northwest of Cape, also out in the country. We visited their farm a couple weeks after we gave them the rooster, and we found out that the rooster had attacked mom, and he no longer existed.
Let’s see what we did if anything Sunday: as usual I watered the flowers front and back, I did cover the riding mower with the tarp before the sun got too high up. I worked on the Sunday blog and then I suggested that we might go out for breakfast and then we would not need to cook a dinner. My favorite wife agreed. The food was ok, but it could have been hotter.
Back at home we watched the Girls Midway Softball team play. When I say we watched I mean on TV. Midway won Sunday’s game, and will be playing in, “The Girls Little League Softball World Series” tomorrow morning. We wish them good luck!
With nothing to do midafternoon Sunday, I went outside and picked up sticks and leaves from the front yard. Pick-up-sticks was a game we use to play as kids, now I do a different version of pick-up-sticks, it is to get out of the house, and since the front yard is shaded in the afternoon it isn’t too bad of a job. There was a slight breeze which made the project more enjoyable.
Happy time yesterday afternoon: we did spend some time together as we sit outside for a while enjoying the extreme heat.
Neighborhood update: one neighbor returned from a 2-week vacation on Sunday, and another neighbor is leaving on a vacation on Monday. Does it seem like the neighbors are trying to avoid us ole retired Ford’s? Maybe they have money…
Well, I guess that might be it for now, may you have a nice day, and may you stay safe.
Adult version of Pick-up-sticks!
Senior ole person who will try to be nice to someone today, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!