Good morning to all but that one person, and good afternoon to you. Yesterday morning started kind of odd for me, yes, I did go to the cleaners and pickup my cleaning, I did get a coffee from the coffee place, I did stop at the teller machine in an effort to check the balance on my savings account, you know it is Christmas time and to buy things one needs to have a few dollars set aside. I entered my data and my balance was $0.00, with a note to check with the bank. Well, it was too early for the bank to be open, and I know there was supposed to be more than $132.00 in the account, so I headed for home.
Back at the homestead, it was another day at the Ford’s homestead where my favorite wife worked almost all day and half of the night, she now has most of the decorations in place, but every time she is almost done, she finds something else that she wants to display.
I, on the other hand, I did almost nothing all day except for a couple things.
I did get all the decorations in the manger scene connected to electric and they do light up.
I was able to connect Santa and miss Clause to the electrical grid, and they do light up.
Also, I connected two areas with white trees, white deer and items that look like gift boxes, attached to the power system, yes, they do light up.
Then I went back and secured all the connections with tape, and anything that would be apt to get wet, I wrapped in plastic zip top bags. Before you ask, no, I did not zip the bag closed, I securely taped the bags closed and to the wires.
It was about 10:30 when I decided to go to the bank and cash a check I had received from our medical provider, it seems as if they over charged me. I also want to find out if I still had over $132.00 in my account. The lady was nice and she cashed my check and also verified that I did have money in the account, and it was more than $132.00! I was happy and headed for home.
I did take the Tres to the vet, he checks out ok, and we made it back home safely, where I learned I needed to help a neighbor and friend who lives up the street. She needed a couple copies of an item made, and since we have a printer that also copies, we were able to help her.
Having done nothing, my ole body was sweating heavily in the 83-degree temps. I then went to get Dave from work and I offered him the opportunity to come to the Fords homestead and help put up some lights on the house. (That would mean I would not be on a ladder!)
He graciously accepted my offer. He was able to get the lights all across the front of the house, I will attempt to complete the project today, installing the lights at ground level, all around the flower beds. It is cold this morning, “36 degrees”. I might freeze out in that cold weather; you know ole retired people do not like the cold!
As Dave was completing the lighting on the house, I headed out to get Alex first then Gabi at their schools. I take my tablet so I can play solitaire while I wait, the battery was so low that I could not play. Nothing to do but sit for about 30 minutes and wait in the heat of the day.
After getting the grandees from school we came back to the Ford’s homestead and pick David up so all three could be taken home.
Returning to the Homestead, I procured a drink and went to my ole rocker in the drive way, where I relaxed my old body from doing nothing all day. Yes, my favorite wife was able to join me on the driveway, in the warm afternoon air!
Doing nothing is tiring!
Senior old retired person who is good at nothing, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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