Today is Thanksgiving, we are very thankful and hope you are too. Take a few minutes during the day and think of things you are thankful for. I am always thankful for my parents, they set good examples for me to follow. They seldom disagreed on things, and they made me go to church every time it was open. When dad showed me how to worked on things, he would say, “let the tool do the work”! If he had a problem with a project, he did not get mad, he would stop working, say “contrary outfit”, I never heard my dad cuss, and he would get a cup of coffee. Then when he would go back to the project all would go well.
I am also very thankful for our family and our friends; you make our lives much better!
We know everything is not perfect, and most everyone has a problem or two in their lives. We know problems may dominate some people’s thoughts, realizing that, can be a start to more positive thinking. Positive thinking can and should lead to being thankful.
Example; heading to work, I don’t like the person I work with so I am in a bad mood. I have negative thoughts all the way to work, and being negative on the way to work causes my whole day to seem bad.
Example; heading to work, I don’t like the person I work with, so I think about other things like, the weather is so nice today, I can get outside this afternoon take the dog for a walk. Supper was really good last night. I will outperform the person I don’t like, and I will smile every time we pass each other. Smiling helps me feel better, and has a positive effect on others.
Know when you are being negative, and change to positive.
Problems, work on them but don’t let them dominate your thoughts.
I was sitting in the Ford’s ole Chevy yesterday on a parking lot waiting for my favorite wife to come out of the store. You know, when I was a young person, prior to being married, I participated in parking a lot. Most of that parking was not on a lot, but there was a lot of parking. Now that I think of it, most of that parking was done at night.
Wow, how did you get me off the subject? I was on the parking lot and a fire truck went by. Having been a volunteer fire person years ago, I was interested in the fire truck as it went by. When I was a fire person, the driver who was also known as the engineer, and the officer in charge, rode inside, while the other fire personnel rode on the back of the truck. There were usually three firemen on the back, but occasionally there would be four. We were not strapped on, we just held on with our hands.
The fire trucks I see now days have all the firemen riding inside the truck, which is much safer.
Well, that is it for today, hope your Thanksgiving is wonder filled, and please stay safe.
Negative no, Positiveyes!
Senior person who is thankful for many things, especially you, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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