
Sunday, November 13, 2022

November 13, 2022

            Another Sun Day is here, and we hope you are doing well. I have bad news for the reading public, and you. We did not get to sit outside yesterday afternoon, as it was too cold for ole people. I did sit in the Ford’s ole office and have an adult beverage, as I looked at the monitor from the security cameras. It was kind of like being outside, I could wave at people as they walked or drove by, but they could not see me. There was no wind or cold, and it was warmer inside the office than it was outside.

            We received the smaller kerosene heater today and I put it together. I filled it with kerosene and will let it sit for an hour or more, which allows the wick to soak up the kerosene. When the wick is soaked, I can then light the heater and see it work.

            I checked the shed and found an ole kerosene lantern, which had belonged to my favorite wife’s dad. We think he got it off a river boat he use to work on in the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. I need to clean it up better, I did wipe the dust off it some, but it needs a good cleaning.

There was a little kerosene in the lantern, I added a little more and lit it. It makes a good light, and also some heat.

            Heck, we have a couple kerosene lamps here in the homestead, I guess we got them from our parents. When the power goes out, we never think of the lamps, we usually reach for a flash light.

            My somewhat smart phone indicates that it is 30 degrees here in Hewitt Texas. That is too cold for ole senior retired people. A few days with those temps will influence the trees to drop their leaves, and that means more work for the old people. Mulching leaves, then putting them in bags, and then you have to haul them off. Thinking about that work makes me want a nap.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, hope your Sunday is a good day, filled with friends or family.

Fall or winter?

Senior ole retired person who needs a cup of homemade coffee, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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