
Monday, November 14, 2022

November 14, 2022

            We are beck to Monday, yep, the start of another work week for those real people, you know, those who have jobs. The ole retired people have nothing to do, no work to occupy their time, no schedule to follow, except for taking the daily nap. 

            In truth, there are a couple times each day that I do become sleepy, and a 10 to 15-minute nap refreshes my ole body. This short nap taking began when I worked. In the afternoon when everyone in the building took a 10-minute break, I would at times, shut the door to my ole office and call one of the ladies in the front office saying, "call me when break is over". I would put my feet on the desk, lean back for a short 10-minute rest period. Oh, the break bell at the end of the break would always wake me up.

            Another time that I become sleepy is when, I am reading for more then a couple minutes. Actually, I like to start reading after a short nap and that way I am able to stay awake and focused, on what I am reading.

            Topic swap: I did water the items in the hot house yesterday, the sun was shining on the house when I entered, the hot house was hot, it was over 100.

            Speaking of water, we are expecting to have rain most of the day today. I hope it isn't raining when I pick up the grandkids this afternoon.

            There is some debris from the oak trees in the front yard that needs to be picked up, which I might do before it rains today, and the yard needs to be mowed and trimmed, but not while it is cold. There have been a few leaves fall and sooner or later I will need to be mulching leaves and vacuuming them up.

            I also need to get started on re-lighting the angel. This is not and easy or short job, but I might be able to do it. When you are three quarters of a century old, it often takes more time to do these little jobs.

            I did put the new smaller kerosene heater together, I lit it just to be sure it would work, and it did. Donations will be accepted to purchase kerosene for these heaters, please send the gift cards with a note indicating that they are for kerosene. We will also accept gift cards to the Star coffee place, as my ole gold card is out of funding. Ole retired people on a fixed income, need lots of help. Some time ago I had asked for donations, and I received and envelope with a note and a penny donation, I do not want to say Wayne's name, but I do want to say thanks for the donation, Wayne!

            Subject alteration: I swept our side of the street in front of the homestead yesterday. There was a bunch of crushed acorns and some leaves on the street, it looks better now, but probably not for long.

            I guess I will try to make a cup of homemade coffee; we hope you feel generous with your donations 😊, and we hope you have a safe and interesting day!

Donate to street sweeper!

Senior ole person who needs a donation or two, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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