
Thursday, November 3, 2022

November 3, 2022

            Well, I can’t think of anything to write about this morning, and I only have a couple things to do today.

            Yesterday I did nothing most of the day. I did not need to get the grandkids from school, so I just stayed around the house all day. My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon and we enjoyed the nice weather. It was very quiet yesterday afternoon; the wind was not blowing too hard and there seemed to be only a few birds singing in the neighbor’s tree. Now that I think of it, I did water the black berry beds, number 2 and 3 look good but number 1 looks less than perfect.

            I do need to go to the teller machine today, I hope it has our $5 stipend in it. We do hope to wash the Tres today, it is supposed to be about 84 degrees this afternoon. Yep, it is warming up in prep for the upcoming rain and possible bad weather Friday afternoon and night. As always, we need the rain but not the bad weather.

            Yesterday, since I did not have any projects to work on I decided to work on my bible study lessons. We have a study lesson for each of the six days before the meeting. I did a couple days of studies yesterday, so I have even less to do today.   

            Our neighbors across the street should be home from their vacation today, they have only been gone a little over two weeks, so I will not remove their newspaper from their driveway today.           

            I know I am the only person who thinks this is odd, but that spoon is still in the flower bed, by the mail box, it is easy to see and they have not removed it. I first reported on it October 8th, that is almost a month ago. Maybe the spoon isn’t from their house and they are leaving it there in case the person who lost it, returns, then they could reclaim the spoon.

            I should get my hair cut but, that would mean I would need to pay for something that ole people can’t afford.

            Well, as one can see, I have nothing to do today except take a nap or two, we hope you have enough to do to keep you busy but not too tired.

Nothing to do, take nap!

Senior retired person who needs to look around for something to do, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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