
Friday, November 4, 2022

November 4, 2022

            Good morning for some of you, and good evening for the rest of you, we hope you enjoyed your sleep or whatever it was, that you have been doing. I had a good nights sleep and as usual there was odd dreams, which I know occurred but can’t remember.

            Yesterday, I did go to the hair stylists, and got my hair cut. In the olden days there were barber shops for men and stylists for the ladies, now we are all classed as the same. I do remember in the olden days, when I would get my hair cut, the barber would use a straight razor and trim around my ears and neck.

            As I was leaving the hair place, it began to rain, yep it was raining hard enough that I had to use the wipers on the windshield. I know what you are thinking, “Where else would the Don use his wipers”, I don’t know why you are so critical of an ole senior’s comments.

            I did venture to the coffee place where I procured a cup of very hot coffee, the term very hot will be important later.

            Driving in the rain, my favorite wife had, “loaned me out”, to a lady up the street. Yes, after the hair removal process, I was to immediately go to the lady’s house, and see if I could help her in some way. This lady needed a few items carried into her garage, I should say her garage was filled with items which could be sold at a yard or garage sale.

            These items were too heavy for her, but me being a strong senior person, I was able to get them into the garage and stacked properly, she also allowed me to carry several other metal items into the garage and securely place them. Another couple came up as I was finishing the work, we talked, they did not do any work.

            I was then asked if I would be afraid to open the closet door that was in the back of the garage. The lady notes that she thought there could be rats in the closet, she notes that her dogs, of which she has several, would hang around the outside wall where the closet is located. I had to move a few items to get to the closet door, and I opened it, there was a few items in the closet and possibly some droppings from rats or mice but I did not see any living rodents. I left the door open and the light on, so she could later put some rat and mouse poison in the closet. 

            I was then allowed to leave the property and head for home. My coffee was still hot enough to enjoy.

            Back at the homestead I rested.

            Today: I need to go to the ex-employer and pickup an item that I had ordered. If I were smart, I would go to the ex-employer about 11:00 to get the order, as David gets off about 11:00 on Fridays, one trip two reasons.

            It is said that we will have rain and likely storms this afternoon and evening, there is a tornado risk also, I just thought, maybe I should get a 2-meter walkie talkie out so I could listen to the ham radio people if they are storm chasing.

            Well, I guess I will go for now, hope your weather is good, and everyone stays safe!

KJ5OD, oh, I thought you wanted to know my amateur radio call sign.


Watch the weather!

Senior ole retired person who will try to charge a handheld radio, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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