
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

November 9, 2022

            We are in the middle of the work week, for those of you who work, for us ole retired people it is just Wednesday.

            Yesterday, I did not go get the kids at school, so instead, I was allowed to work here at the homestead. I removed the debris from the back 40 and then decided to mow the back 40. There are parts of the back 40 that are basically dead, that is the areas where the sprinklers do not reach, although there is one area that is still green and growing. That area I assume, may get more shade than the other areas, and need less water.

            As usual I had to put air in one of the tires, and in doing so I check all the tire pressures as having the correct amount of air in each tire will allow the mower to mow evenly. I can’t say I manicured the back 40, but it does look better than before.

            A friend came by to get some of the acorns that a neighbor has picked up from his yard, I picked up some but the neighbor is the real acorn retriever. While that friend was here our neighbors from across the street came over and we all sat around with some lively conversations.

            Now that it is getting dark an hour earlier, happy hour seems to be hurried, (aka shorter).

            Well, it isn’t foggy this morning. The past couple days I almost thought I was back in Missouri and Illinois; due to the fog we were having. It has been quite foggy at times.

            As I was walking yesterday, I noticed that Fall must have arrived in Hewitt Texas. There were leaves on the ground and driveway of a house on our street, and I have a photo.

            Maybe I should note, those leaves were from one of a neighbor’s pecan trees, the other three pecan trees that are next to this tree, still have green leaves.

            I have another photo that I thought was an indication of Fall being here, this photo has brown leaves, and is in my pecan tree. Upon closer review, the brown leaves were from the oak tree next to the pecan tree, they had broken away from the oak and lodged in the pecan tree.

            I have learned from the TV prognosticators that we may experience our first 32 degree temps this weekend. For that one person, a temperature of 32 or less will freeze water into Ice. I will need to shut the door to the hot house, or it will be the cold house.

            OK, I guess that is it for now, I need to find some food to use as breakfast, nope we don’t have a burrito this morning, darn it!

            We hope you have a safe and productive day.

Election is over?      Yippee!

Senior ole person who needs some food, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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