
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Its cold 02.23.2022

            The title line says it all, "It is cold"! That is all I have to present today.

            The Ford's ole coffee maker is still only working about half the time for me. Oddly, my present spouse says it works fine for her. 😐

            Next to my chair in the TV room, there is a remote button that will activate and deactivate two lights in the TV room, and the heat lamp in the Ford's ole hot house. Well, I mean it use to, this morning it would not activate anything.

            For that one reader, and we know who you are, activate, and deactivate may be defined as, "Turn on and or turn off"!

            I have no idea what happened, my favorite wife used it last evening to turn on the heat lamp in the hot house, and now it doesn't work. 😐

            I will take the grand kids to school this morning, so I plan to go out in the freezing cold and start the Ford's ole pickup in an effort to warm it up.

            Yes, I can start it from inside the house, but since it was nice and warm yesterday, I can only assume the heater has been deactivated, (aka turned off). I like to say I want the vehicle to be warm for the grandees, in truth, it needs to be warm for this ole senior person! 😊

            I am both hoping and praying that we do not get a bunch of ice out of this cold snap.

                        Rain and ice go away, little Donnie wants to play!


May your day be warm!


Senior ole person who don't like the cold, Don the Ford

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