
Monday, February 14, 2022

Early morning 02.14.2022

            We were informed that the grand kids would be here early today, they arrived at 6:40, that is a little more than an hour early. After a short discussion, we decided to go to the star coffee place for an early morning drink. Drinks in hand we headed for home, and that is when Alex twisted my arm as I was driving, forcing me to stop and buy a couple burritos. We were able to get the burritos and make it home where we enjoyed the food and drinks.

            After the eating and drinking episode, we then loaded up in the Ford's ole Chevy and headed for school. We dropped Alex off first, and he had decided to not wear a mask. This is the first time in 2 years that he has not had a mask on at school.

            It was a cool start to the Monday morning and it is supposed to get up into the 70s today. if it is that warm, an ole senior retired person has no reason to stay inside all day. I have noticed that the birds are drinking water from Tres' water bucket, that means I need to put some water in the bird bath. I am fairly sure the birds have eaten all the food I had put out Saturday, so I may venture forth today, and put out some more bird food. 

            Heck if I provide water for the birds, that means I will also need to water the plants in the ole hot house, and if I do that, I will also water all three berry beds. As one may see, there is too much work for the retired seniors, and that is why we are allowed to have more than one nap daily.

            Football show, I started to watch it then it was supper time so I ate, and after supper I was allowed to take the trash out and then wash the dishes. Completing my labor, I made my way to the Ford's ole recliner where I was able to observe the last 48 seconds of the first half. There was some commercials and I expected to see some really interesting commercials, but that did not happen. Then half time started, which provided me with a reason to stop watching! I was able to avoid the so called half time show as my wife turned the channels.

            My first wife made a meat loaf for supper last night and it was made from ground beef and deer meat. It was, and is delicious! I wonder what I will have for lunch today? 😊

            Later, I again turned the TV on and watched a little of the football show as I lay there on the Ford's ole bed. The football show was so interesting, I went to sleep without knowing who won. Maybe I am not a football enthusiast.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, may your nap be refreshing!

Listen and learn, it makes others happy!

Senior retired person who talks more then he should, Don the Ford

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