
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Dog wash 02.22.2022

            The grand kids were here yesterday and that was nice. We did not do much of anything yesterday other than, me and the kids did go to the star coffee place for drinks yesterday morning. Now my poor ole Star coffee gold card is almost empty. I have said, when it gets empty, I will stop going there. I can go to the Mc hamburger place and get a cup of coffee, that is just as good and cheaper.

            My favorite wife and I did wash the dog yesterday, as the temp was in the 80s. I think he likes being washed because, he gets rubbed all over his body. Yes, he likes to play tug of war with the towel after the washing. Actually, the towel is not use to dry him, it is just a reward (Tug of war) for taking the bath.

            The temp today is starting out warm and it is going to get colder all day. There is a possibility of some freezing rain Wednesday, and Thursday morning. My present spouse and I need to drive down to Temple Friday morning, as she has some appointments that day. We hope the ice stays away!

            I get to take the grand kids to school this morning, but I will not pick them up this afternoon. Yep, there goes an ole senior grandpa’s schedule. Now what can I do this afternoon?

            Topic change; as you might know, I do not like the repetitive news, tell me once, then only bring it up again when something has changed. With that in mind, consider what I do when the sound is turned off. I look at people’s faces, and notice any irregularities such as, one eye lower than the other, ears located high or low on a person’s head, odd shaped nose, and so on. The highly paid professional people have makeup artists, and they are able to fix many little errors in one’s face. The local news people, do their own makeup, and you can tell.

            One lady in our local news, often has one eyebrow higher than the other. Yes, it is drawn on, it did not grow that way.

            I also wonder, on the game shows the ladies are dressed in what I see as an effort to look sexy, while the men are dressed normal. I wonder how those females feel, knowing they are being used to draw attention.

            Well, I will stop ranting now, hope you have a good day!

Hot, warm, cold, today!

Senior ole retired person with a partial schedule today, Don the Ford

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