
Monday, July 25, 2022

You are correct 07.25.2022

            Yes, it may be the first time that you have been correct, I did not post to the blog yesterday. You should enjoy being correct this time, as it may not happen for you again, for a couple years. Heck, I was incorrect this morning, and that is unusual, not that I am incorrect, but that I would admit it.

            Each morning the Tres and I go outside to get the newspaper, and as we venture forth, I usually see a planet glowing like a star in the east sky. I don’t know which planet it is, but it is visible until the sun comes up.

This morning I looked into the eastern sky and the shining planet was not where it usually was. I thought, had it moved from the east to the northeast. Then, being a very observant senior person, the planet appeared to have moved a little. As I continued to observe the shiny thing, I wondered, could this be a UFO, so I tried to get a photo, but the cell phone could not focus on it.

I began to understand that it was a jet plain, not a UFO, flying very high, reflecting the sun, causing it to appear to be a shiny planet. Yep, I was incorrect, and being incorrect is not as bad as being wrong.

Let’s see if there is a different topic that I could present to the reading public, and to you!

Yesterday was Sunday, a day of rest. I got tired of resting, and ole senior person can only rest so much, and yesterday I had too much. As usual, I got my bible and began to read from it. I do read from the bible daily. It isn’t like going outside and exercising, but it is always interesting.

When I got through Revelations last time, I decided I would read the first book from the Old Testament, then I would read the first book from the new, then I would read the second from the old, and the second from the new, and so on. I wish I could pronounce the names in the Old Testament, but I can’t.

When I had finished my daily devotional, I decided to read something that I had written a few years ago. The story I had written could be titled, “The end and the beginning”.

I took the book, (yes, I call it a book since it has about 70 pages to the story) and went out to the front porch with a tall glass of ice water, and began to read. Even though I wrote the story, I still find it interesting to occasionally read. In the story there are computers, bad government people, scientist, nerds, red haired people, black holes, and it may provide info as to how our universe came into being.

I read about 15 pages of my story yesterday, and hope to read more today.

Swapping topics: I did venture forth from the homestead this morning to get a cup of coffee and, yes, a breakfast burrito. The usual lady who works the window was not there today and the lady working today, was not as interesting.

I will alter the subject matter again: I have a photo of smoke signals over Hewitt.

            Now in truth, I am not really good at reading smoke signals, but in this case, I know what they are saying, “There is a sale at Wally World!

            If you would get outside a little more, you would see some of these interesting things.

            Our dog Tres took me for a walk this morning before it got too hot. We smelled many things during the walk, and I observed a house in the 200-block running their lawn sprinklers, on the wrong day, and after 6:00am. The ole people who live there appear to be older them me, I hope they don’t get a ticket. 

Well, that is it for now, I need to get outside and break the watering rules myself, I do use a bucket to water the flower pots, maybe the water police will not see me.

Water but don’t get caught!

Senior retired person who doesn’t like all these 100-degree days, Don the Ford

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