
Thursday, July 14, 2022

Moon light 07.14.2022

            Did you see it? I know there is a name for this moon, but I do not know what it is, and nope I aint going to look it up! The moon is considerably closer to the earth at this time, which allows it to appear larger than usual. Now something that I found even more interesting, this morning as I was going and coming from the burrito shop, in one direction I could see that very large moon, while in the other direction I could see the red sun coming up. The sun and the moon to me appeared to be the same size. Very interesting!

            My favorite wife and a couple friends went out to lunch yesterday, as I stated in an earlier posting, to celebrate her upcoming birthday. Interestingly, they allowed me and a fellow neighbor to go along. It just happened that it was the fellow neighbor’s birthday yesterday, but he does not like to celebrate birthdays.

            We went to a Cajun restaurant and the food was very good. I don’t like the way they have their menu; it is posted up on the wall and you have to stand there looking up and try to find what you want. I am totally opposed to that type of menu.

They have a pond outback of the building, and you can buy fish food and toss it in the pond where the catfish and turtles will come to eat.

            Topic alteration: I have a photo of a flower, which in its appearance is very interesting.

            As I stated, I found it very interesting. It is not supposed to look like that, the extreme heat seems to be taking its toll on everything. The brown leaves use to be green but are just drying up and turning brown. It was 108 here again yesterday and it supposed to be around 106 today. They say some of the area around here might get some rain this afternoon, I hope we all get some rain.

            Heck we are now on a restricted watering schedule, the lawn sprinklers can run twice a week, and the run days depend on which side of the street you live on. I need to adjust the run days on the lawn sprinkler system, as I do not want to receive a $2,000 fine for running on the wrong day or the wrong time. I may be smart enough to do that.

            Would you believe, they have now restricted the number of toilet flushes per day also, two per person in a 12-hour period! I have no information as to how many glasses of water each person can have daily. Maybe it is time to get an outhouse in the back 40!

            The only other thing I have scheduled for my ole senior body today is, get my hair cut. I hope I can get the same lady I got last time, she did a good job on this ole seniors’ hair, but odds are she will not even be working today.

            I guess that is it for now, hope you have a nice safe day!

Will I have luck on the hair cut?

Senior retired person who wants to be lucky, Don the Ford


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