
Friday, July 15, 2022

It rained 07.15.2022

            Let's see how this expected rain event unfolds. As we all know, we have been in the 100 plus temps for weeks now, and it will likely continue. Yesterday, they said we had a 40% chance of rain, that means, "40% of the area has a chance for rain", so if you are in the right area, you might get some rain.

            Well, the Don was keeping an eye on the weather bug, and it indicated some rain was in the area. The Don assumed that any rain in the area would provide clouds, and possibly some cooler winds. Clouds and cool wind would allow the Don to get outside and work, and that is what he did. The Don went to the #2 black berry bed and began to trim this year's growth. The Don was able to get some trimming done before the rain set in. During the rain the Don sat on the back patio, enjoying the liquid that was falling from the sky. We received almost ¼ inch of rain, per my new rain gage.

            The rain came down rather quickly and there was some wind with it. When the wet weather and thunder left the area, I once again when out and trimmed on the #2 berry bed. It looks a lot better now, but there are still some that I need to remove. I also need to pull all the weeds out of the bed and that will require a cloudy day with cooler temps.

            During the trimming time yesterday, I also trimmed the sunflower plant that came up voluntarily in the #2 berry bed, photo to follow. As you can see, it was so heavy that it was leaning over.

            This morning I went out in the front yard and picked up debris from the red oak trees that came down during the wind yesterday.

            Allow me to alter the topic: this has to do with listening and learning.

I was reminded of something I use to do when I was a real person working in a distribution center. I was the distribution Centers "Manager", as manager, my office was away from everyone, so I would begin taking my coffee break in the main office, that way I could talk to others during my break.

There was a chair placed between the two office staff's desks, and that is where I would sit, coffee, and often an oatmeal cake in hand. During these breaks we would talk about anything and everything. I soon learned that I would get a lot of information from the office staff that neither the supervisors (supervisors are now known as department managers) or I would have gotten otherwise.

It seems, the distribution center staff would ask questions of the office staff, or tell the office staff of things, that they had not asked or told the management team. Now as you see, my taking a break not only allowed me to rest a few minutes, it provided me with information that I might not otherwise have had.

Listen and learn, it will help you and others!

The chair that I sat in during these coffee breaks was later referred to as, "The Therapy chair". 

Topic change: I do have one outside project for this morning, so I better get going. I hope your day is safe, fun and cool.


It rained! 😊

Senior person who is thankful for any amount of rain, Don the Ford

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