As a fireman, I mean as a fire person years ago, we did fight a few brush and grass fires. There was one rule I do remember about grass and brush fires and that was, "Always stay in the BLACK"! That reference was to both firemen and equipment. If you are in the black, that is in the area that has already been burnt, you are less likely to be overrun by the flames from the fire. For that person, and we all know who you are, staying in the black, out of the fire, is for safety!
Now that brings me to another fire topic: I have a photo taken this morning and would you believe, this photo is of a fire just a few blocks from our homestead. You can see the red flames coming up over the top of the tree, which I assume the tree is on fire.
Our could the red that looks like a flame actually be, the rays of the early morning sun which was trying to pop up, you decide.
Cheating a little: yesterday, Thursday, was a no water day, and I did not water. Today we are allowed to water trees and gardens using a hose but not during day light hours. I might have cheated a little and I might have watered the flowerpots both front and back yards during day light hours early this morning.
I did water the neighbor's tree; they are on a 20-day vacation, and I volunteered to water the tree. I drag the hose out, lay it by the tree, turn the water on, come back in 30 minutes and turn the water off, then I put the hose back. You are correct, that is a lot of work for a retired senior person.
No rain in sight but: we do have some clouds that look like they want to produce rain! Maybe, these clouds are just there to tease those of us in a drought situation, causing us to wish and pray for rain.
I know one of you want to know if we had a burrito this morning. We did not. It takes money to have a burrito every day, and now you know why senior retired people can't have a burrito every day.
Well, I guess I will quit now and get a cup of homemade coffee, hope you have a good day!
Homemade coffee! ☹
Senior retired person who can't afford real coffee, Don the Ford
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