
Saturday, July 23, 2022

It was cloudy 07.23.2022

            Yesterday, it was cloudy part of the time, and this off and on cloudiness allowed an ole senior retired person the opportunity to go outside the homestead and do some work. Who was this ole senior retired person, well it was me, aka The Don?

Now the front yard had some tall grass in spots, and the rest needed very little manicuring, but I, being the wonder filled energetic retired person, who is almost ¾ of a century old, could not resist the challenge to manicure the front yard. Note: I did not do anything to the back yard, that would have required real work.

After mowing, I had decided to water the newest jasmine bed, as it was very dry, and the ground was cracked in many places. I brought a homemade sprinkler from the back 40 and placed it in the center of the bed. This sprinkler, depending on how much water pressure you apply, can spray from 8 to over 20 feet in diameter. In about 12 minutes the ground was no longer cracked, photo to follow.

            I stayed outside near the water faucet during the water process, and there was something very unexpected that occurred. A frog began to make noise, I guess he thought it was raining and he was happy. The frog was not seen by this ole retired person, but he made himself known by sounding off!

I was able to rest for a few minutes after the mowing and water process was complete.

That was yesterday, now let's get to today

Darn it, I don't have anything for today, so let us go back to yesterday. I have again observed a super-fast jet in the sky. Typically, I see two or three jets fly from the north to the south every afternoon while sitting outside. Twice now I have seen a jet that appears to be higher than the normal jets and flying at least twice as fast as a regular jet.

Speaking of jets, I could hear a jet that was flying low through the area yesterday, this happens most evenings when we are sitting outside, so I looked up to see the noise maker, and all I saw was a buzzard flying in circles overhead. Actually, there were several buzzards circling overhead, do you think they thought I was dead? 😊

Other than the jet and the buzzards, yesterday was a boring day. I did get the front yard mowed and that was all the work that was required of me.

I need to stop entering data into this keyboard and watch an ole black and white cowboy TV show. Have a good weekend!

Sat all day, Saturday!

Senior ole person who don't need to sit all day, Don the Ford

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