
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Cold and wet! Last day of 2020

            Good morning, that is good morning if you are viewing this in the morning. I would like to comment on the title line before that one person, and we all know who you are, asks a silly question! Cold and wet, does not mean that the Ford, me, is cold and wet. I might be a little wet, no not because I am leaking, I could be a little wet because I just ventured outside to take some trash to the trash can.

            Possibly I should note; “It had been raining all day yesterday and last night, it is still raining this morning”. As I was adding to the trash container this morning, I took a look at the Ford’s ole rain gage. We have only had a little over 3 inches of rain. Is that enough to end the drought?


            Tres is very unhappy, we did not walk yesterday due to the rain, and we will likely not walk today due to the rain. If Tres gets out in the rain he might melt, as we all know how sweet he is, he may be made of sugar.


            With all the rain there has been a lot of wind. One of the decorations was blown over last evening. If it stops raining, I will attempt to reposition the decoration. Tonight, we will let the decorations light up for the last time this season, and tomorrow we will turn them off.


            To all the amateurs:

        If you drink don’t drive!

        If you drive don’t drink!


Senior retired person who is staying at home tonight, Don the Ford


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

$600 or $2,000 12/30/2020

            The elected politicians have approved $600 to all who have an income of less than $75,000. They do not have a method of determining who might need the $600, and who don’t.

            Now they are trying to increase it to $2,000, and still no way to determine who needs it.

            If they could find a way to determine who needs it, the giveaway would be better accepted. Yes, as the bible teaches, “It is better to give then to receive”, so, we should help the needy! Does that include the government helping the needy?

            Those people who have lost their jobs and want to work, they need the help! 

            Whom ever gets the money, the tax payer, must pay for it! If you don’t need it, should there be a way to reject it? Maybe if you don’t need it, you should donate it.

            Good Luck!


            I did take two of the bags of leaves that I had collected from the front yard, and placed them around the black berry plants. It is raining today; the leaves around the base of the blackberries will help keep the water from evaporating. Nice job Don!


            Today, my favorite spouse and I plan to go to a funeral. One of my wife’s friends husband passed away, after a long period in nursing homes and hospitals. I am not a proponent of funerals. There is supposed to be very few people at the viewing and funeral. If there is a large crowd, we will not stay.

            When I pass, I want to be cremated, and there will be no funeral, no gathering! I believe one should be remembered the way he / she was, when alive, not a memory of a person in a casket. Funerals and graves are important to some people and that is ok. I prefer to remember the person without going to a funeral or visiting a grave.

            It is a rainy day, and there is a cold front moving through, not a good day for a funeral.

            Tres, has a new habit. Every morning between 4:30 and 5:00am he comes to the side of my bed. He then bumps me with his nose until I reach over and start rubbing his back. He moves around so I am able to rub the entire back. When he has enough, he lays down beside the bed and waits for me to get up. I would rather his habit be to let me sleep in!

Stay home amateur night!

Senior not an amateur, but staying home any way, Don the Ford

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Snow and sleds 12/29/2020

            You are correct, that is an odd title for this part of Texas. The prognosticators were saying there is a very slight chance of snow flurries along with rain, later this week. Even if there are snow flurries, there would be no accumulation.

            The snow possibility caused me to consider sliding down hills on sleds. All the TV commercials have been showing kids on those plastic disks sliding down hills and they have no control. Those disks go downhill, but the occupant may be facing any direction. Maybe that is what makes them fun, or maybe it is the fact that they are an inexpensive piece of plastic.

            At one time I was a boy child and I had a sled, this is back in Missouri where it did snow. Myself and all the other kids would take our sleds and head for a field with a hill in it. We would all try sledding down the hill, and if it worked that is good. If the snow was too deep, we would all get together and walk up and down the hill packing the snow. When we had the snow packed, we were ready to go.

            As a kid I never once thought of the fact that I was going head first down a hill and at a fairly high rate of speed. If you hit a tree, a log or rock, you would hit it head first. Other than someone on a sled running into someone on foot, I don’t remember any injuries.

            Now let’s consider something dangerous. In the olden days, when we lived on a hill out in the country, my brother Jack took a piece of tin roofing and bent one end of it up. He put a rope in the bent part and that was the front. We used that piece of tin roofing as a sled. Tell me that was a safe ride!

            I do have a sled in the Ford’s ole shed. It has been used once or maybe twice since we have lived here, and that is almost 42 years. I looked at it one day and the wood on it looked to be in poor condition. Enough about snow and sleds.

            I have an appointment at the dentists this morning. I would rather not go. Heck, I have even brushed my teeth for this visit. Who knows were their hands have been, and they will be putting them in my mouth? The only good thing I can see about going, I can go to the star coffee place after the visit. Would you believe, hot coffee from the star coffee place will disinfect your mouth. Wow, a positive for the ole Ford!

            Subject change; I have found a use for some of the leaves I have bagged up. I will attempt to place some of them around the black berries. That should help keep the ground moist.


As the end nears, drink don’t drive

Senior ole person, who has a bottle, and will stay home as it ends, Don the Ford   

Monday, December 28, 2020

Senior retired and poor 12/28/2020

            I am back to normal now, after that odd posting yesterday. Theories are just that until proven. My ole mind is back in the real world, at least for a while. I was able to procure lunch yesterday for my present spouse and me, due to a Christmas gift from a good person. I took the gift card and went to the Cracker restaurant, where I picked up lunch for myself and my favorite spouse. The lunch was big enough that we will also have food for supper.

            I was wondering where we would get some food, would you believe we spent all our savings on Christmas present's, and did not know where we would get food for this week. I was checking the Homestead's perimeter when I found some food. I have a photo, we will not starve, we have berries to eat.


            They are not black berries, but they are berries and we will eat them. Don't worry about us ole retired people, on a fixed income, we will survive eating the berries and maybe we can find some mushrooms. Broke and no money coming to us, we will survive, please do not worry about senior persons, we will likely make it, even without any financial future. ☹😐😊

            The weather yesterday was so nice, that my favorite wife and I sat outside during the afternoon, for more than an hour. My first wife was on the phone with a friend during most of the time, completely ignoring me. Yes, I had tears in my eyes, but she did not notice. Ole senior ignored persons are lonely, and no one cares. Do you care? Why did you have to think about it? You don't care about us ole seniors! Shame on you!

          I have to go to the dentists on Tuesday, my ole person insurance pays for it, or I couldn't go.

            One of our neighbors has returned from their Christmas vacation, I gathered their mail and packages while they were gone. Does he have the virus after his trip, I don't know, he is a doctor. His family is still gone and will return at the end of this week.

            Another of our other neighbors is still on vacation, must be nice! With all this traveling, I hope everyone is staying safe.

Travelers       please             be        careful!

Senior retired person on a fixed income to broke to travel, Don the Ford

Sunday, December 27, 2020

More about time 12/27/2020

            Well, I didn’t have anything to write about until, a thought came to me. I know what you are thinking, not again, the Ford had a thought. What kind of thought did he have this time? Since you asked the question, I will enlighten you. As I was sitting there on the Ford’s ole recliner, a new theory came to me. Personally, I suggest that you just skip this posting, and do something interesting.

            In the past my theory on time travel was, “The future does not exist, the past no longer exists, traveling in time can’t happen”! I now have a different theory which is, “There is an undiscovered method of time travel, but only into the past. It is not actual time travel; it is more time viewing.

            One will be able, to visit the past. From that point in the past, travel to the future up to the point of present time.” Travel from present time to future time cannot be, as it has not yet occurred.

            My theory is this; all time (aka everything that happens) is being recorded in an unseen information dimension (similar to the cloud). To help understand my theory, think of it like a video recording of everything that has happened, everywhere, from the beginning of time.

            At some point, scientists will discover access to this information, and one will be able to travel into the past, but one will not be a part of the past just there observing, but not changing. How would that be helpful? It will help one understand exactly what happened. History as it happened! Consider seeing president Lincoln’s murder, or possibly the birth of Christ.

            When this theory is discovered, the Governments will use it to the citizens detriment. There would be no privacy as anything could be reviewed. 


John 1:1 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

What if: In the beginning was the information, and the information was with God, and the information was God’s!


Like I said, it is my theory, and I suggested you do something else and not read it!


In the future, they will know what you have done!


Silly grandpa’s have odd theories, Don the Ford

Saturday, December 26, 2020

It is over 12/26/2020

            The holiday is over and we are heading for the next one. Let’s see what’s been happening.

            We had a bunch of wind Wednesday night. Thursday, Christmas eve morning, we had one Christmas tree blown over in the front yard, and some of the lights that decorate the roof had blown down. Christmas eve morning, I went out in the freezing cold, (there was ice on the bird’s water, it was freezing) and repaired all the decorations. Then I picked up the sticks that had blown out of the trees in the front yard. All that was accomplished before 9:00am. Tres took me for a walk that morning.


            If you had read the posting of 12/21/2020, you would have known that I thought some of you would be posting my photo on their refrigerators. Would you believe, someone sent me this photo of their refrigerator with my photo?


            Me neither, it is our refrigerator, and my favorite wife didn’t even notice it!


            Christmas eve, we had the usual homemade tamales, with all the fixings, there was shrimp, and all kinds of food. After eating we opened gifts. I got my peppermint candy, Star coffee gift cards, Visa gift card, Cracker restaurant gift card, scratch off cards, and other items. I believe we all got more than we expected. Everyone seemed to be happy. 

            As everyone knows, I am a very helpful person, and I wanted to give each of you a helping hand. I have found a way to provide each of you with a helping hand. Please continue to read this soon to be most excellent posting, and you will see how I will offer each of you a helping hand.

            As I was watching, “A Christmas Story”, on TV, there was a part where the kids were listening to this big radio. I then remembered my brother and I listening to a big radio similar to the one on A Christmas Story. The program I remember was, “Yukon King”. It was about a Sgt. Preston of the Royal Mounties, and his dog “Yukon King”. Anyway, I remember my brother Jack and I sitting on the floor in front of the big radio listening to the show. That all changed when we got a TV.

            The TV show, “A Christmas Story”, in my opinion, is more of a show for older people, as many of the representations in the TV show are things older people remember.

            Christmas day, our sons and their families were here for lunch. The total was 8 people. There was way too much delicious food, but we attempted to eat it. My favorite wife did an excellent job of food preparation, yes there is left overs for this week.

            We had one expected visitor, and one unexpected visitor, on Christmas day. They kept their masks on during the short time they were here.

            We hope your family and friends, along with our family and friends, all stayed safe from the virus during the Christmas holiday.

            All day Christmas day I kept thinking it was Sunday. I think there is another holiday coming up soon, it might be “New Year’s Eve”, get ready!

            And now for my helping hand for each of you!

                                                           It is a helping hand!

Drink don’t drive!

Drive don’t drink!

Senior retired person who will stay home on New Year’s Eve, Don the Ford  

Thursday, December 24, 2020

A moment of complete peace 12/24/2020

            A few moments yesterday, was like no other. I had gone to the hardware store and was on my way home. I had the window down as I drove; it was 72 degrees and the sun was shining. The road was straight and I could see a large portion of the sky. There were a few clouds against a very light blue sky, some were round and floating while others were very high and stretched out over a long distance. It was a beautiful day.

          For some unknown reason, a totally peaceful feeling came over me, I felt as if all was well, I can’t explain it better than that, I felt as if there were no problems, no concerns, I was totally at peace for a couple minutes, as I was driving home. I wish I could explain it better, and it would be neet if one could reproduce it.


          Well, today is Christmas eve. Alex, Gabi, Claire, David, Karla and Patrick will be here later this afternoon. We will have supper here at the homestead and after we eat, we will open the presents. This year there aren’t many presents, as several opted for money. With money, each person can buy what they want.


          We hope your Christmas will be safe and enjoyable. May we all take a few minutes to remember the true meaning of Christmas!


          From the Ford Homestead, we wish each of you a


        Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Who was exposed? 12/23/2020

            I hope not me!

            As I was walking with the Tres yesterday morning, a neighbor who was in his car, stopped to talk. I had to keep the Tres away from his car so I was more than 6 feet away, (proper distancing). My neighbor noted that he went to check on his brother and found his brother laying on the floor with a broken leg. His brother is now in the hospital, and has tested positive for the virus.

            Later I thought, if my neighbor found his brother on the floor, has my neighbor been exposed to the virus? If so, should he be quarantined? If so, why was he leaving his home in his car? As you can see, we do not know who may have been exposed, and who might be exposing you.         I do not know if he was exposed, just presenting my thoughts.

            Stay a safe distance from your friends / neighbors! You and I, don’t know if others have been exposed to someone, who has been exposed to someone, who has been exposed to someone, and so on! We don’t know who has been exposed, assume everyone has been exposed and we will be better off.

            I watered the black berry plants yesterday, I cleaned and filled the bird water trough, filled the bird feeder, I repaired one of the reindeer decorations, I checked the neighbor’s house, I rested from all the work I had performed Tuesday, and not a lot of anything else.


            The photo is of one of the decorations in the front yard, it was not on, but there is a light glowing on it. I guess we here at the Ford homestead glow all the time!


It is ok to, “assume they have been exposed”!


Senior ole person who plans to assume, and hopes we all stay safe, Don the Ford

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

What happened 12/22/2020

            I am wondering what happened to the delivery trucks. I was outside most of the day yesterday, and I did not see a single delivery truck. I did see the mail man in his truck, but none of the delivery trucks. In the past couple months, we would see delivery trucks as many as 10 times per day.      Yesterday, zero!

            We have received several Christmas cards this year, and one address stood out to me. That one card was address to Rev. Ford and family. I knew who it was from, when I saw Rev. Ford. My use to be boss, and now a good friend, knew I had gone on line several years ago and was ordained. I have never used it, you know weddings etc. I did it because I could!

            Two neighbors brought cookies to our house yesterday, that made three nice neighbors. Why did I say three neighbors? A third neighbor had brought us cookies earlier. Once the cookies arrived, I had a cup of coffee and sampled said cookies, they were good! We have a nice neighborhood and lots of very good neighbors.

            The front yard looks good for now, there are 8 bags of leaves out by the trash can, a couple bags went in the trash yesterday. There is a few leave still on the tree, maybe they will blow into the neighbor’s yard.

            My favorite grandkids made a gingerbread house yesterday, I have photos.


            I think the grandees are gingerbread artists! Will it taste as good as it looks?

            Not counting today, there are two days left until, YOU KNOW WHAT! You don’t know what happens in two days? I know I am not very smart, but I know Christmas is coming in 2 days! Have fun this Christmas and remember the true meaning of Christmas!

Be a nice neighbor!

Senior retired person, on a fixed income, who got cookies for Christmas, Don the Ford

Monday, December 21, 2020

Winter is here 12/21/2020

            It is the first day of winter and my true love gave to me, nothing!

            It is the first day of winter and it will be freezing cold here today, yes,

                                                a chilly 71 degrees.

            It is the first day of winter and I will be allowed to again remove leaves from the flower beds. I did get a bunch of them removed yesterday, but my ole senior arms got tired working that vacuum. I hope the electric card will let me get to them all. I also hope to bring the Ford’s ole walk behind mower out, and vacuum the rest of the front yard.

            It is the first day of winter and hopefully the last removing of the leaves.

            It is the first day of winter and I have a new photo of me. I know you will want to print a copy and stick it on your refrigerator. For that one person who will print the photo and place it on your dart board, I know who you are. Silly grandpa photo to follow.


            Allow me to answer that one-persons question. The question is, why has the Ford been putting those smiling photos of himself in his blog? I am trying to help you with your depression.

            For some of you, these wonderful photos will make you happy, and that improves your depression.

            Some of you will be irritated at the photo of the Ford, and while you are having fun thinking about that mean ole Grinch Don the Ford, you will be happy for a while, and the depression will be put aside. Either way, my photos are helping you!  You are welcome!

            Comment; Santa said, face masks and hand sanitizers are good Christmas presents.


are you getting anything for Christmas?

Senior retired person who will get a lump of coal for Christmas, Don the Ford

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Observation 12/20/2020

              I walked outside and saw this cloud of smoke hanging over a neighbor’s home. I assume he is smoking some meat in the back yard, or his house may be on fire.

            I have a wonderful photo to share with you, and no one else. You are my favorite in all the reading public. Now back to the photo. If you are observant, you may notice the new fashion that I am starting, it is a new way to tie a tie.


            Even though today is Sunday, I have put the bird food out and filled their water bowl, I know it isn’t much but I think it helps them survive. I plan to remove leaves from the front yard. I am hoping this will be the last of the removal process.


Mask up, wash down, get back, you’ll stay safe!


Get ready, only 4 more days!


Senior retired person who is always ready, Don the Ford


Friday, December 18, 2020

Another Friday 12/18/2020

            Yep, it is just another Friday, and what will I be doing today, I hope to wrap the gift I got for my first wife. I can’t say what I bought her as she evaluates these rants of mine, but I did get it at the Dollar store. It is nice to be able to get a nice gift for one dollar!

            I was allowed to vacuum the leaves from the front yard yesterday afternoon. We have three oak trees and two of them have lost most of their leaves, but one is taking its sweet time. This morning as I looked outside, I noticed that about one third of the lawn is being covered with red and yellow leaves, again.

            While I was cleaning up after the yard work yesterday, I noticed a squirrel nest in one of our trees. This nest is out on the end of a limb, and did not look very secure to me. I am glad I am not sleeping in that nest.



            While the Tres and I were walking the other day I found a quarter, it was tails up. Now everyone knows a penny found heads up is good luck. If you find a quarter tails up, is that 25 days of bad luck?

            Topic change, they are putting a new roof on the neighbor’s house today. I moved the Ford’s ole pickup out of the driveway to avoid any injuries to the Ford’s ole Chevy. They just pulled into my new driveway using a forklift and a pallet of roofing. I should get a few dollars for the use of the Ford’s ole new driveway!

            Today, I need to go into the city “Waco”, I will need to get a bottle of adult beverage, and pick up some shirts from the cleaners. Hopefully, it will warm up enough for the Tres and I to go for a walk today. 

            Topic change; I have decorated the Ford’s ole office for Christmas and thought I would post a photo. Do not feel sorry for me, we are retired and on a fixed income and can’t afford all the items that real people have!



Get ready, Christmas is coming!


Senior office decorator and happy to be, “Silly Grandpa”, Don the Ford

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Hours of Christmas 12/17/2020


1st hour of Christmas my true love said to me, do I have a present, under the Christmas tree!

2nd hour of Christmas my true love asks of me, why do I have nothing under the tree?

3rd hour of Christmas my true love threatened me, A present better appear under that tree!

4th hour of Christmas my true love said to me, no present for me, no food for you!             

5th hour of Christmas my true love said to me, get me a present or pack up and leave!

6th hour of Christmas my true love said to me, you better search and find a gift for me!

With no hours of Christmas, a present went under the tree, and I thought,

           I am glad this is over, now she won’t beat me!


            It is cold outside with temps at 27 degrees. There is frost on everyone’s roofs, and I assume the water in the bird’s bath (aka drinking place) is probably frozen. The temp will warm up to about 60 later in the day. I will go out and put more food in the bird feeder, when it warms up some, and I need to water the plants in the hot house.

            I am hoping that the wind will stay down today, that may allow me to vacuum and or mulch some of the leaves in the front yard. Tres and I may go for a walk when it warms up, but it is too cold this morning for an ole senior person to be outside.


You better get her a present!


Senior retired person and Christmas connoisseur, Don the Ford

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

More Christmas info 12/16/2020

            This will be a short post as I have nothing new to talk about, except for one thing, and that is Santa and Christmas.

            First off, I do not believe that Santa delivers all those gifts to all the kids, all around the world, by himself, in one night! I do however believe, “Santa likes to take credit for delivering all the packages”, it boosts his self-image!

            Many years ago, when there weren’t so many kids, Santa did deliver them all by himself. Now days he has help from his elves to deliver the packages. The elves are allowed to dress up like Santa, and the slays that they ride in do not have reindeer, only Santa has the reindeer. Before you ask, the slays that the elves use have an aircraft jet motor and they fly through the air very quickly.

            After reviewing the names of the reindeer, we have learned that I, was named after one of the reindeer. As you should know, their names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen. Can you guess which one I was named after?             No?     Here is a clue, the name that is underlined, now do you know?

            I give up. I don’t know why I even attempt to enlighten you; you don’t even try. I will stop this journalistic endeavor, and work a little more on a new story that I have been writing. Nope, I will not tell you the name, and I will not tell you anything about the story except, the story may end with a true explanation of why the virus came to be.


            I am going to get a cup of coffee and then inscribe some verbiage into the story.


May your day be filled with Love!


Senior retired person on a fixed income who was named after a deer, Don the Ford              

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

9 more days 12/15/2020

            What will be happening in 9 more days? Heck this is 2020, we may all be confined to our own homes in 9 days, but if we aren't, then it will be Christmas!

         It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even my spouse. Our stockings were thrown on the floor by the bed, the smell from the socks floated up to our heads.

         Our kids were all at their own homes snuggled up in their beds, while visions of Christmas gifts danced in their heads, when outside our house there arose such a clatter, my spouse sprang from our bed to see what was the matter, she ran to the monitor and checked all the security cameras, and what did she see, two cats a fighting, one dog a barking, and a strange man climbing our tree.                  

         The moon on the breast of the newly mowed lawn, let us know there was no snow, so how fast could he go, with no snow, Santa would be slow.


            Now we can see that there are some problems in the above wonderfully informative pome. We assume, Santa will use a pick-up truck when delivering in areas without snow. Also, the coal we got for Christmas last year, if we could put it under enough extreme pressure and extreme heat, the coal could turn into diamonds in a few thousand years. Not a bad present after all.

            Speaking of presents, we got an early Christmas present. The young lady from next door brought us a Christmas card and a gift, her mom makes chocolate chip cookies, and we received about a dozen. They are very good cookies! The problem is, I want to eat them all at one time.

            Topic change, a couple days ago I use the Ford's ole walk behind lawn mower in both the front and back yards. I was not mowing and I was not vacuuming, I was mulching the leaves. It looked almost as good as if I had vacuumed, but I did not have bags of leaves to dispose of. Today, after all the wind yesterday, the front yard is again covered, the back yard is ok.

            New subject; as the Tres and I were walking we rounded a corner, and we were on the wrong side of the street. Now we walk on this street every time we walk, but we were on the other side of the street. Tres began looking around, it was as if he felt something was wrong. I allowed this to go on for a minute then we went to the other side of the street, where we normally walk, and he calmed down. People aren't the only ones who form habits.

            let us try a different subject; I had ordered an item as a Christmas present, it was supposed to be here on Dec. 8th, then 9th, then 10th, then 11th, and it arrived on the 12th. The company who shipped it sent a note offering us $20 refund for all the troubles. I sent them a note back saying, the refund should be $40, $10 a day for the four-day delay. They sent an email saying the will refund us $40.             Ask and you shall receive!


            Make a list, check it twice, don't worry about who is naughty or nice! Even though I might be naughty, I should still get a present.


2020 is bad, we don't have to be!


Senior naughty retired person, who use to be nice, or is it the other way, Don the Ford

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Two subjects 12/14/2020

            In today’s journalistic endeavor, we have two subjects. One is about me, what could be better, the other is from a childhood memory brought back to life.

            Let us begin with me. I got my hair cut yesterday here at the Ford’s Homestead. The homesteads hair stylist, insisted on styling this ole retired person’s hair. Heck who am I to fight against making me look more hansom?

            I sure am not going to go to the Hair stylist, I would probably get more than a haircut. The less contact with others the better!  Photo to follow



            When you are admiring the most excellent cutting of the hairs from this ole seniors head, you may notice that he has again began to grow a beard. Do not look at the other items in the photo, such as the lamp, or my hat, you are to only see me!

            The second subject of this article is an olden time memory. Many years ago, when I was just a kid, (that is a human kid, not a baby goat), me and my friends were all into horses. There was an ole wise tale which went something like this, “If you took a long hair from the tail of a horse and put in in water, after a while it would begin to move”, more or less like a long skinny worm.  Yesterday I saw such a worm and I have a video.


            I don’t know where it came from or where it was going.

            The virus, and our almost quarantine situation, seems to be getting less tolerable to me. No travel, no gatherings, no restaurants, and almost no contact with family or friends, that is supposed to equal, no virus! We hope they are right!


Say no to most things, and to the virus!


Senior person with a new haircut, Don the Ford