
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Stair way to 12/08/2020

            Before we get into today’s topic, please allow me to make a couple comments. Yesterday morning I was required to go to town and get a heat lamp. Do you know what a heat lamp bulb cost, well I do, and let me tell you, it took all our savings to purchase said lamp, “$10.00”!

            I thought the above was bad, then my favorite spouse of more than 50 years went to the $1.00 store. We can’t afford to go to the stores that real people go to, and when she returned home, she said the check engine light is on. I went to the local parts store, “O’Reilly’s, where they checked the computer for free. The vehicle needed a new battery, they installed it for me. We will not be able to eat food here at the Homestead for two months. The old battery was 4 years old.

My scrap wood project is done, and I don’t know what it is! I have been referring to it as the Stair way to, but I don’t know where to “what”. It isn’t a stair step, maybe you can identify it.


            I guess it could display something, as seen in the above photo, maybe a flower. It is 16 inches tall at its highest point. I have another photo to consider.


            As one can see, there are storage areas inside the scrap wood project.

New thought; I have an idea to make some saw horses from scrap wood, and two cat houses, one for Charlie and one for Molly. (Did cat house have a different meaning in the olden days?)  

            I did reposition the bird feeder in the back 40, and filled it with bird seeds, but haven’t seen any birds eating their yet. If you build it, they will come!


Senior person who will not be eating for a while due to unexpected expenses, Don the Ford

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