
Saturday, December 26, 2020

It is over 12/26/2020

            The holiday is over and we are heading for the next one. Let’s see what’s been happening.

            We had a bunch of wind Wednesday night. Thursday, Christmas eve morning, we had one Christmas tree blown over in the front yard, and some of the lights that decorate the roof had blown down. Christmas eve morning, I went out in the freezing cold, (there was ice on the bird’s water, it was freezing) and repaired all the decorations. Then I picked up the sticks that had blown out of the trees in the front yard. All that was accomplished before 9:00am. Tres took me for a walk that morning.


            If you had read the posting of 12/21/2020, you would have known that I thought some of you would be posting my photo on their refrigerators. Would you believe, someone sent me this photo of their refrigerator with my photo?


            Me neither, it is our refrigerator, and my favorite wife didn’t even notice it!


            Christmas eve, we had the usual homemade tamales, with all the fixings, there was shrimp, and all kinds of food. After eating we opened gifts. I got my peppermint candy, Star coffee gift cards, Visa gift card, Cracker restaurant gift card, scratch off cards, and other items. I believe we all got more than we expected. Everyone seemed to be happy. 

            As everyone knows, I am a very helpful person, and I wanted to give each of you a helping hand. I have found a way to provide each of you with a helping hand. Please continue to read this soon to be most excellent posting, and you will see how I will offer each of you a helping hand.

            As I was watching, “A Christmas Story”, on TV, there was a part where the kids were listening to this big radio. I then remembered my brother and I listening to a big radio similar to the one on A Christmas Story. The program I remember was, “Yukon King”. It was about a Sgt. Preston of the Royal Mounties, and his dog “Yukon King”. Anyway, I remember my brother Jack and I sitting on the floor in front of the big radio listening to the show. That all changed when we got a TV.

            The TV show, “A Christmas Story”, in my opinion, is more of a show for older people, as many of the representations in the TV show are things older people remember.

            Christmas day, our sons and their families were here for lunch. The total was 8 people. There was way too much delicious food, but we attempted to eat it. My favorite wife did an excellent job of food preparation, yes there is left overs for this week.

            We had one expected visitor, and one unexpected visitor, on Christmas day. They kept their masks on during the short time they were here.

            We hope your family and friends, along with our family and friends, all stayed safe from the virus during the Christmas holiday.

            All day Christmas day I kept thinking it was Sunday. I think there is another holiday coming up soon, it might be “New Year’s Eve”, get ready!

            And now for my helping hand for each of you!

                                                           It is a helping hand!

Drink don’t drive!

Drive don’t drink!

Senior retired person who will stay home on New Year’s Eve, Don the Ford  

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