
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Something to do 12/02/20

            My mind was actually working a little this morning, and I came up with another scrap wood project. I do enjoy drawing the new project on paper and putting together a bill of materials. Heck, the planning is at least half the fun of any project, at least it is that way for me.

            Now I have a message for you.

            A few weeks back, this senior person was allowed to wash the dishes, and a couple pots too. One of the pots has an off-white interior. In this particular pot there has been some stains in the bottom. I had thought these stains were permanent, as each time I had washed the pot, those stains did not come off. Heck we had even tried soaking the pot.

            The last time I was allowed to wash this pot, I used a yellow sponge type thing, it looks like a smiley face. I thought to myself, those stains should come off. I used some elbow grease and after several minutes of severe scrubbing, the stains began to come off. Now it took several minutes, and I was able to remove all the stains. The pot looked new! I carried the pot to my wife and showed her. She asked how I did it, and I explained what I used, and that it was hard work. My favorite wife did not say the magic words, “Thank You”!

            The point to the above essay, the magic words, please and thank you should be used, even when talking to a family member. Everyone you know, will value being appreciated! Treat others, even family members, the way you would like to be treated, or, the way they would like to be treated!

            Today’s lesson is now concluded, Thank You for reviewing the above.

            November 30th there was a full moon. I have a photo, taken with my phone so it isn’t as good as one, had it been taken with a real camera. 


            This morning the moon, which is still full, caught my detention, I mean attention. As I stood outside in the cool morning air, I noticed that the leaves on the tree were thick enough to block the moon, but if I moved a few inches, the moon would show through. Photo to follow.


            Today is Wednesday and I plan to work a little more on my scrap wood project. What will I do when the scrap wood runs out? Being on a fixed income (unless there are some donations from real people) I guess I will just sit in the ole rocker and rock.

            Today, I should begin receiving items that we have ordered for Christmas presents.

            Well, I guess that is it for today, I might leave the homestead later and try to get a cup of coffee from that star coffee place. The last three (3) times I had tried to go, there were vehicles in line at the window that wrapped all the way around the building, I went on past all three times. Heck, the reason I go is to get out of the house for a few minutes, their coffee is ok.


Is it ok to drink and drive, if the drink is coffee?


Senior needy retired person and use to be nice guy, Don the Ford

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