This morning, when I had the so-called news on TV, obviously, I had nothing on my mind, a thought from the past came to me. Should I make a, B line to the kitchen for a cup of coffee? Now I know a, B line means getting to some place quickly as in, "He made a B line to...".
What is a b line? A B line refers to the direction in which a bee flies, after gathering nectar. Bees use the sun to navigate their way around and when they are ready to return to the hive they fly in a straight line back. This is why when someone is trying to get to their destination quickly they are said to be "making a B line".
I did get the cup of coffee, but I used an S line, you know, the walls were in the way!
We shall now swap topics; I have thought about the word, "At". Hopefully you know how to read the word at, and I find it interesting how it sounds. At, if you put another letter in front of it you can get, "bat, cat, fat, mat, sat, eat! Wow, wait a minute, why does eat sound different, it has at, in it?
They should always come to me before making a word!
Topic swap; this morning as the Tres and I were outside getting the so-called newspaper, there was a photo of this senior retired person. In the photo, you may be able to see some Christmas decorations, and that the senior retired person had his Christmas tie on! I know you always appreciate seeing such a hansom senior retired person who needs a haircut.
Who takes these photos, he must be a professional photographer! 😊
I usually try to tell you to stay safe, where the mask, wash your hands. I am not doing that today; you should know to be safe!
Try some clam chowder, it is good!
Senior retired person who has to go out in public today, Don the Ford
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