Well, I started with good morning, but what if you read this in the afternoon or maybe at night. I am a morning person so the title line stays as is!
It is getting hot here in the state and we are supposed to hit 100 this Friday. I guess that means summer is here and we should get use to it.
I can’t say that I did much yesterday, I did clean most of the dog hair out of my first wife’s van, the van still needs more cleaning inside and out. It is amazing how much hair comes off our dog when it rides in our vehicles. We never take him on long rides, but he still leaves a lot of hair.
My spouse of more than 5 decades worked on getting the items back into the new cabinet yesterday, and I think she did a good job. I have a photo to show some of her efforts yesterday.
Yesterday during happy hour, none of the neighbors would come and visit with this ole senior person. Yes, I had to sit there all alone with my cold drink and the radio playing. Then, knowing how lonely I was, Charlie decided to get in the chair next to me in an effort to provide me some companionship. He didn’t have much to say, but his presence was appreciated.
Today is Tuesday and I usually mow the front yard on Tuesday, although I did mow it on Wednesday last week. Wow, I can remember back a hole week! I am not too sure what I want to do, work and get all hot and sweaty today, or tomorrow. Why am I always faced with these tough decisions?
I took Tres out in the back 40 just to get some of his pent-up energy released, and as we were reviewing the area I noticed one very red rose. I was able to get a photo but it is not a good photo. There was also another flower blooming in the same area, and I will attach a photo of it.
Tres still had a lot of energy so we went for a walk on the street. It is hot and humid, we both are tired, he is resting as I am entering data into the computer.
May your day be happy and healthy!
Senior grounds keeper and flower photographer,
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