
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Nice little rain 06.23.2020

            We were told that there would be major rain events starting about 2:00am this morning. The major rain events didn’t happen yet. We are receiving a nice slow easy rain which will help all the plants and grass. I usually mow on Tuesday, but I guess the rain will keep me inside the Homestead today.

            Our neighbors have three dogs in their back yard and two of them have gotten out the last few mornings. They chased Charlie up a tree in our front yard the other day and he stayed up there for a while after the dogs were once again inside their fence. One of the dogs was aggressive toward me, showing his teeth as he came at me. I went inside and got a club I keep and went back outside. I would have been happy to use the club on him but he and the other dog left.

            This morning our two cats went outside as usual. When I came out of the shower I could hear Tres barking so I went and let him in. I then checked the security cameras monitors and saw the neighbors dogs were out again. These dogs went across the street began being aggressive to another neighbor, who was outside getting his paper.

            Charlie is nowhere to be seen. We have looked all around our yard and actually walked down the street, but no Charlie. We don’t know if the dogs got him, or if he has gone into hiding somewhere.

            Subject change; my favorite wife made some homemade tomato soup yesterday, and it was good. There is a little left over for lunch today.


            I am still trying to learn what to do, and what not do, to the new Government sponsored computer. Other than that, there is not a lot of anything else going on here at the homestead.


May your day be filled with cooperation!


Senior retired person and tomato soup eater, Don the Ford



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