
Monday, June 29, 2020

Forced labor or not 06.29.2020

               Was it force labor or not, you can decide. As you know if you have read the previous posting, my spouse of many decades had purchased a used table and a china cabinet. We had to go get it today and we relied on my son David to provide advice and help. We are thankful we had David, as we would never have gotten the units home without help. 

          We took the china cabinet apart, removing the top portion and carried it to the Van. Then we moved the bottom portion of the cabinet to the van, we then put the table in the pickup truck. We decided that I would return and get the 6 chairs after unloading the other items at the Homestead. 

          Dave and I were able to get the china cabinet parts into the homestead. We then unloaded the table and placed it in the garage. We then thanked Dave and he returned to his homestead, I went back and got the 6 chairs. 

          I then secured the china cabinet parts and moved it into the location, per my first spouse’s instructions. Then I removed the legs from the table and brought the legs into the Homestead. Then we got the table top into the Homestead, where I re attached the legs. There seemed to be a problem with some looseness in the legs, so I investigated. I found a couple loose nuts, not me, real nuts. I tighten them and the table is like new. Photo to follow, Tres was checking things out!



          We worked until 5:00 and then we went outside with a cold drink. My spouse and I discussed the day’s events, and we are both tired.

Team work makes the work easier!

Senior team manager, Don the Ford


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