
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Good Morning 06.30.2020

            Well, I started with good morning, but what if you read this in the afternoon or maybe at night. I am a morning person so the title line stays as is!

            It is getting hot here in the state and we are supposed to hit 100 this Friday. I guess that means summer is here and we should get use to it.

            I can’t say that I did much yesterday, I did clean most of the dog hair out of my first wife’s van, the van still needs more cleaning inside and out. It is amazing how much hair comes off our dog when it rides in our vehicles. We never take him on long rides, but he still leaves a lot of hair.  

            My spouse of more than 5 decades worked on getting the items back into the new cabinet yesterday, and I think she did a good job. I have a photo to show some of her efforts yesterday.



            Yesterday during happy hour, none of the neighbors would come and visit with this ole senior person. Yes, I had to sit there all alone with my cold drink and the radio playing. Then, knowing how lonely I was, Charlie decided to get in the chair next to me in an effort to provide me some companionship. He didn’t have much to say, but his presence was appreciated.



            Today is Tuesday and I usually mow the front yard on Tuesday, although I did mow it on Wednesday last week. Wow, I can remember back a hole week! I am not too sure what I want to do, work and get all hot and sweaty today, or tomorrow. Why am I always faced with these tough decisions?

            I took Tres out in the back 40 just to get some of his pent-up energy released, and as we were reviewing the area I noticed one very red rose. I was able to get a photo but it is not a good photo. There was also another flower blooming in the same area, and I will attach a photo of it. 


            Tres still had a lot of energy so we went for a walk on the street. It is hot and humid, we both are tired, he is resting as I am entering data into the computer.


May your day be happy and healthy!


Senior grounds keeper and flower photographer, Don the Ford


Monday, June 29, 2020

Forced labor or not 06.29.2020

               Was it force labor or not, you can decide. As you know if you have read the previous posting, my spouse of many decades had purchased a used table and a china cabinet. We had to go get it today and we relied on my son David to provide advice and help. We are thankful we had David, as we would never have gotten the units home without help. 

          We took the china cabinet apart, removing the top portion and carried it to the Van. Then we moved the bottom portion of the cabinet to the van, we then put the table in the pickup truck. We decided that I would return and get the 6 chairs after unloading the other items at the Homestead. 

          Dave and I were able to get the china cabinet parts into the homestead. We then unloaded the table and placed it in the garage. We then thanked Dave and he returned to his homestead, I went back and got the 6 chairs. 

          I then secured the china cabinet parts and moved it into the location, per my first spouse’s instructions. Then I removed the legs from the table and brought the legs into the Homestead. Then we got the table top into the Homestead, where I re attached the legs. There seemed to be a problem with some looseness in the legs, so I investigated. I found a couple loose nuts, not me, real nuts. I tighten them and the table is like new. Photo to follow, Tres was checking things out!



          We worked until 5:00 and then we went outside with a cold drink. My spouse and I discussed the day’s events, and we are both tired.

Team work makes the work easier!

Senior team manager, Don the Ford


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday again 06.28.2020


            We enjoyed the time spent with family yesterday. There was a lunch, and then a lot of talking. We all wore masks when venturing out, and it seemed as if most others were masking also. Did I just create a new terminology for wearing the mask, “Masking”, I think I did!

            I received a gift from Pat and Karla, if is a battery powered fan. I have a tendency to be hot a lot, and I make my own fans to keep me cool. The problem with the hand held fans for me is, when I start fanning I have a tendency to not stop, even after I have cooled down. I guess Pete and Karla wanted to help this ole senior retired person stay cool. The fan works well in many situations, and in the following photo you see how I use them while at the computer.


            Later in the day Saturday, my spouse of 51 plus years went to an estate sale and purchased a used table with chairs and a used china cabinet. We are retired and on a fixed income, we can’t afford new items. We will need to go pick it up tomorrow, if we can get some help, the darn thing is heavy. Hopefully we can get it home in one piece.

            If we get it home, then we will need to get the old items out of the house and get the used items into the house. What are we going to do with the old stuff? Got me!

            So having to do all that work today, Sunday, means I will get no rest. Poor senior citizens should not be required to work on Sunday, or any other day of the week.

            Saturday, as usual, I was up before sunrise. The so called news was saying there would be some beautiful sun rises, due to the African dust in the air. I went outside at sun rise in an effort to observe the wonder in the sky. It was cloudy, there was nothing pretty. Disappointed, and with tears in my eyes, I returned to the Fords homestead.

Work not and your spouse will…!

Masking can be fun, try it!


Senior retired person and at one time strong man, Don the Ford


Saturday, June 27, 2020

A joyful heart 06.27.2020

            The title line gets me to thinking, so allow me to complete the comment.

                        A joyful heart is good medicine!

         I read that statement in a book known as the Bible. If we can be happy or joyful most of the time, we not only would feel good, those people around us would be happier, and then they would feel better too! Share the medicine, be joyful!

Subject change: I have a photo which was taken when I was in the bed room changing clothes the other day. Would you believe, Click on this wonderful photo and you will automatically donate $5.00 to the Ford’s Homestead for senior retired people on a fixed income.



Subject change:

               Would you believe, my favorite wife said to me,Even you can be considered as a wise person, when you keep your thoughts to yourself!”  Just think, even a senior person like myself, can be considered as being wise.            Wow, Don the Ford is a wise ask, my wife she can explain!


New topic: our sons and families are supposed to be here at the homestead today. I don’t know if we will be able to go out for lunch since the restaurants are now supposed to be back down to 50%. I doubt that the Cracker restaurant ever exceeded 50%.


Remember, a joyful heart is good medicine


Senior wise person, as seen through my first wife’s eyes, Don the Ford


Thursday, June 25, 2020

What is going on 06.25.2020

            Well, if anyone would have asked what is going on, I would have responded, “Not much”. I had previously stated that I would like to get Alex to mow the front yard, that did not happen. There was light rain on and off so the grass was wet. When it dried enough to be mowed Alex was using the computer playing a game, I mowed the grass.

                        To make it look real nice, I mowed it twice.

       Yep, I decided to manicure the front yard, so I mowed it twice. The grass was so tall it needed to be cut twice just to reduce the clippings.

            We have a cloudy day so I may mow the back 40 today. I doubt that I will get any help mowing the outback but I can ask.

            Prior to mowing, I was sitting on the Fords ole rocker contemplating world problems, when I observed the umbrellas in the yard. The umbrellas usually show up immediately after a rain. They seem to prosper with distilled water, aka rain water. Watering with city water don’t normally cause the infestation. Does that mean the city water is not safe?


            We plan on taking the grandees to the cracker store for lunch today. Nice, I don’t have to wash any dishes.

            New breaking news! The governor said, “Masks are required when going anyplace in public”. There is one exception, there is always one exception, and the exception is, when robbing a bank, store, or individual, all citizens are required to not wear a mask! State law will fine you $5,291.00 for robbing anyone or any place with a mask on!            Wow, that is hard to believe!


Are you going to wear the mask or not?


Senior wearer of the mask, Don the Ford


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Blessed day 06.24.2020

               Let us see, what could this dramatist write about today? Sorry, I just used a word that some of the reading public will not understand. If you are one of those who does not know what “Dramatist” is, let me give you a definition. Dramatist is defined as, “Don the Ford”!


               The thought came to me yesterday, I might have heard it on the radio, that a Blessed Day can still have some BS. I took it to mean, even when you have a good day going, there may be a few odd things that occur, don’t let the odd things bring the entire Blessed Day down.



               Subject change; I noted that Charlie was missing after the neighbors dogs were lose in the neighborhood yesterday. Charlie appeared here at the Homestead a little after lunch yesterday, he is fine. We have no idea where he had been.


               Subject change; The Grand kids are coming over today, and I am going to attempt to get Alex to mow the front yard. He is usually willing to help with chores, if there is pay involved. I hope to get Gabi on the riding mower in the back yard. It would be nice to have the grandees take care of the yard while I do nothing.


               Different subject:

               There are people destroying historical statues. It seems that these people are considering what the people shown in these statues have done, which these people do not agree with. As they were talking about this on TV something came to mind.

               There is a story in a book, where a group of people were going to kill a female because she did something they did not agree with. There was a man who looked at these people and said something to the affect, he who is without sin throw the first stone. No one threw a stone.

               We may not agree with everything the person in a statue has done, or the person who lives next door, but we are not perfect either. Surely we have better things to do than to destroy statues, or people, that we do not agree with.

               Maybe if we got these people back to work we would not have these problems.



Enjoy the day, don’t toss a stone!



Senior retired non-rock tosser, Don the Ford



Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Nice little rain 06.23.2020

            We were told that there would be major rain events starting about 2:00am this morning. The major rain events didn’t happen yet. We are receiving a nice slow easy rain which will help all the plants and grass. I usually mow on Tuesday, but I guess the rain will keep me inside the Homestead today.

            Our neighbors have three dogs in their back yard and two of them have gotten out the last few mornings. They chased Charlie up a tree in our front yard the other day and he stayed up there for a while after the dogs were once again inside their fence. One of the dogs was aggressive toward me, showing his teeth as he came at me. I went inside and got a club I keep and went back outside. I would have been happy to use the club on him but he and the other dog left.

            This morning our two cats went outside as usual. When I came out of the shower I could hear Tres barking so I went and let him in. I then checked the security cameras monitors and saw the neighbors dogs were out again. These dogs went across the street began being aggressive to another neighbor, who was outside getting his paper.

            Charlie is nowhere to be seen. We have looked all around our yard and actually walked down the street, but no Charlie. We don’t know if the dogs got him, or if he has gone into hiding somewhere.

            Subject change; my favorite wife made some homemade tomato soup yesterday, and it was good. There is a little left over for lunch today.


            I am still trying to learn what to do, and what not do, to the new Government sponsored computer. Other than that, there is not a lot of anything else going on here at the homestead.


May your day be filled with cooperation!


Senior retired person and tomato soup eater, Don the Ford



Monday, June 22, 2020

This is the first again 06.22.2020

            This is the first time I have used Word on this new Government sponsored PC, and it is different from what I am use to. That means, an ole senior person must learn to do things differently. This ole person don’t like change!

            I am starting this posting on Sunday morning, and hopefully will finish it Monday morning.

            My first wife and I are going to the cracker store for Brunch in a little while. We went there last week and we had a long wait to get in. We have decided, if there is a long wait today, we will not stay. I can check on the wait time on line before we leave the homestead. If the wait time don’t change between the time we leave and the time we get there, which is approx. 15-minute drive, we would be ok to wait.

            Subject change; I hope the fellow who picks up junk metal comes by this afternoon as I have several items from last week when he didn’t stop by.


            Well we went to the cracker restaurant and had brunch, we had to wait about 20 minutes to get inside. We got our drinks quickly, but the food took a little while. Other than slow food response we enjoyed the outing.


            If everything goes well, we will have the grand kids over this week. I would like to get them involved in taking care of my lawn, ole people need help! I would have Alex do the front yard and Gabi do the back. Cash payment for the work would be made, in an effort to help them to avoid paying income tax!

            Speaking of lawns, I cut the weeds from the ditch behind the Ford’s ole Homestead, photos to follow, click to develop.



Have a safe week!


Senior safety supervisor at the Ford Homestead, Don the Ford


Father's day 06.21.2020

I never heard my dad say a curse word. When he became upset at something he would say, “Contrary outfit”! When he was working on something and things were not going right, instead of getting mad and throwing something, he would stop working, get a cup of coffee, and consider the situation as he sipped on the coffee.


As I understand it, when my dad was young he liked to fight. A fellow who grew up with dad told me, “When your dad was a kid he would rather fight then eat”! That may be true as dad told me when I was a kid, “Never start a fight, never run from a fight”!


One day when I was helping dad, we were cutting a log using a two person saw. This saw was about 5 feet long, and had a handle on each end. The proper way to use the saw was for each person in turn to pull the saw toward himself. I was both pulling and pushing when dad said, “Let the tool do the work”, meaning, “Don’t force it”. I still remember that statement when I am using any tool.


Dad always prayed before each meal and he said the same prayer ever time. “Bless this food lord, bless us, watch over us and keep us through this day, as we give you praise in Jesus name, Amen”. 


I learned from dad to not spend money that you didn't have, save up and pay cash.


For father’s day I don't need a present, but I do like a call saying happy father’s day. 


Don Ford


Friday, June 19, 2020

Dentists visit 06.19.2020

            I did go to the dentists yesterday and today they sent me an email wanting me to provide a review. I will provide the review here but not to them.

            My appointment was 10:40 I arrived a little early and from the Ford’s ole Chevy I called to say I am here.

            10:45 they opened the door and allowed me to enter. After a fever check I was taken to the chair where they do the dental work.

            11:40 the dentists showed up and apologized for the delay, saying he had a problem with another patient. (I had sat in the chair for an hour waiting!)

            The process took about 20 minutes. I was home by 12:30.

            The process seemed to be good but the time sitting and waiting was not good!


Subject change; I need to mow the back 40 today, that sounds like fun.

Subject change; I did get the new government sponsored computer yesterday. I now need to get it set up, and learn to operate it

Subject change; I will try to brighten up the day by providing a photo. The photo is of Tres as he sat there watching my favorite wife eat. Click to enhance.



Enjoy the weekend, be nice to a senior person!


Senior person who will likely work all weekend, Don the Ford


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Go to the dentists 06.18.2020

            Yep I have to visit the dentists today, last week during a cleaning, they said they needed to make more money, so they said I need a new filling.  Fun!


            I have an ole memory from the time when I was in high school, probably a freshmen. We were in gym class playing baseball. I was at bat and there was a portable back stop behind me. This back stop could be moved with a tractor. While I was trying to bat there was a couple students trying to pick up the part of the back stop that hooked to the tractor. They somehow were able to pick it up and the back stop fell forward striking me in the head.

            The next thing I knew I was getting up from the ground with blood coming out of my head. The coach was sitting on some steps at the school. I walked over to him and he looked at me and asked if I knew where the nurse’s office was. I said yes, he said go to the nurse’s office. He did not go with me and did not send anyone with me.

            The nurse was surprised to see the blood and cut on my head. She dressed the cut and they tried to call mom. They could not get her so they called dad. They told him my head was split open, and I need to go to the doctor. Dad thought they said I had a splinter in my head, and it was ok to take me to the doctor.

            The doctor sowed me up and put a bandage all around my head. They took me back to school and sent me to class. I had missed out on lunch and was back in class.

            I rode the bus home and Mom and Dad were surprised at what had happened. I don’t remember how many stitches but there were several. As my brother and a few other’s use to say, “Donnie Ray Ford with a head like a board”, another version was, “Donald Ray Ford with a head like a gourd“. I guess I was, and am, hard headed. 


Subject change: I have completed the scrap wood project and I have a photo. What is this project, let’s consider. It is a stool, which one can sit in the yard and use it to sit on, put your feet on if you are sitting in another chair. It can be used to sit flowers and other items on, or it can be set next to the Ford’s ole rocker and used to secure an adult beverage. Click to enjoy.


            Now for the one person who wants to comment, that it isn’t perfect, that you can see the screw heads, the wood is not perfectly smooth, it is painted and not stained that person would be correct. It is a scrap wood project, if it were made from new wood, the screw heads would be concealed, all the wood would be sanded super smooth, it would have been stained a walnut color and it could only be used inside the Homestead. A new wood project like this would be worth $1,208.17 but this scrap wood project is worth $1.20.

            Yes that is a piece of a log in the bottom of the stool with Texas engraved on it.


Stay safe, the virus isn’t over, be careful!


Senior scrapper and hardheaded person, Don the Ford


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Fords ole Chevy 06.17.2020

            I did get the Ford’s ole Chevy in for an oil change. I was one of the two people who wore a mask. None of the employees including the manager wore a mask. I had an interesting conversation with a fellow, we were sitting about 10 feet apart. It turned out that he worked somewhere, but was also a farmer. That made the first 30 minutes of the wait pass fairly quick.

            Arriving back at home I tried to learn how to use the new router.

It works!

I used it on the scrap wood project, and I have decided to do some more carving on that project today.

Hay, it is scrap wood, so if I mess it up, it is no big deal!

            I did stop at the local star coffee place, I used the drive through as usual. I have noticed that real people seem to often pay with their smart phones. You know, they hold it out the car window and the employee scans the phone. I have seen real people pay with their watch. Yep, they hold it out the window and the employee scans the watch. It will not be long before the chip will be inserted into real people’s wrist so they can pay without a phone or watch (mark of the what?).

            I saw something very unusual the other day at the coffee place. The vehicle in front of me pulled up to the window, this fellow must have been from another country, because he did not hold a smart phone out the window. Heck he didn’t even have a smart watch on! This crazy person handed the employee money. The employee looked at the money in his hand and then at the person as if to say, “what the heck is this”! I could tell the employee was confused and had no idea what that paper money was for! Would you believe the manager came to the window and told that fellow with real money to leave?  I wouldn’t either, but I do have a good imagination.


            Got to go, now that I have thought of coffee I think I will make a cup, if my present wife hasn’t thrown the coffee grounds out from last night. Retired senior people can’t have fresh coffee all the time like you real people do.

            The government is buying me a new computer, it should be here tomorrow!

May your coffee be from fresh grounds!


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

It aint legal 06.16.2020

            I have a comment about non-legal activities in our neighborhood. Why do people feel the need to do things that aren’t even close to being legal? Yes I have a photo that will tell the story.


            As I sat outside the Ford homestead, I observed a small boy on what looked like a small motorcycle come riding around the corner. A short distance behind him was a female subject on a slightly larger scooter, and a child riding with her. These scooters were electric powered. They road past our homestead down the street so I decided to get a photo when they came back past the homestead. It looked like they were having fun, the scooters moved rather quickly and I got the above photo.

            It is not legal to ride these on the streets, but as long as they don’t cause problems or get hurt, who cares.


            Subject change: I need to get the oil changed in the Fords ole Chevy today.

            I need to mow the yard, if it isn’t too hot for a retired senior person.

            I have some wood work to do, if I can understand how to use the new router.


Ride your scooter, stay safe, wash your hands!


Senior retired almost professional photographer, Don the Ford


Monday, June 15, 2020

Change is not good 06.15.2020

            If you will allow me, I would like to point out a change that I see as not being good. The town I live in has a trash and brush day on the third Saturday of each month. I have had limbs on my trailer for 5 months now, and would like to get rid of them. I had decided to haul the limbs on the trailer and some items from our son David’s house, to the dump site next Saturday.

            For some reason I checked the calendar to be sure they would be open next Saturday. They were open this past Saturday, and it was the only second Saturday for trash all year. Now I have to wait another month. I might take my trash to the Waco site, if I can find it. I would need to pay to dump but that is ok.

New subject: I got the perfect father’s day present. I was going to buy it myself, but my wife bought it for me! Ole people, at least this ole person’s back, itches often. I now have a new back scratcher, photo to follow.


            This back scratcher is expandable, (that means you can make it longer) and the scratcher is like a bear claw. Would you believe it cost only $300.00, and it was worth it!

New subject: I did get a new leaf blower over the weekend, it works but I have not been allowed to blow any leaves yet. I may continue using the ole blower if it starts (saving the new one).

New subject: my router is “supposed” to be here today. The word “supposed” is key in this comment, as “supposed” is defined as “maybe”. “Maybe” is defined as, “who the heck knows”! I want to get this scrap wood project completed!

New subject: this week I need to get the oil changed in the Ford’s ole Chevy. This is the first time I have ever received a reminder from the dash board of the vehicle. It stated get the oil changed dummy, you are at 8% left. I also have a dental appointment for a filling. I need to get some pills from the vet for the Tres. Never a minute for myself! I think I will get a cup of coffee and go sit in the shade and meditate for a while.


Be nice to someone, it makes you feel good!


Senior person with never a minute for myself, Don the Ford


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Who are you? 06.14.2020


          I was listening to the radio the other day and I heard someone make the following statement.

                    Who I am, is not who I have to be!


          Everyone should keep this thought in mind, and when needed, share it with others, or use it themselves.

                    Simply stated, you and I can change!


        Is change easy? Often times it is not easy, but with some belief in yourself, and some hard work, people can change.


               You can make things better!


          If someone needs your help, listen to them, and do what is required to be a positive influence. Sometimes all that is needed when helping others is to be there for them. As for you, do not hesitate to ask for, and accept help from others. 


                    Who I am, is not who I have to be!


        Please think about this and share it with others.


Don the Ford


Friday, June 12, 2020

New homestead 06.12.2020

            As the title line infers, there is a new homestead in the neighborhood. The new homestead has nothing to do with the neighbors who sold their home to an outsider! They didn’t even come to the neighborhood association and ask if it was ok to sell the homestead!

            I have a couple photos that I will post, one is at a distance and one is closer up. I hope you will be able to see mommy as she sits there in the homestead. Click the photo to enhance.


            She has constructed her homestead over our, black berry patch “A”. We have more than one patch of black berries so they are identified as patch “A” or patch “B”. We may soon establish another patch which would be designated as, Patch “X”. We have heard that one can plant a marijuana plant in the midst of the black berries and the neighbors would not be aware. We are not saying we would do that, unless it were for medical reasons!

            What, you can’t take a joke! You might as well stop reading now!


This morning my favorite spouse has some items outside the Homestead in the drive way, in hopes that someone would want to buy them. There is a yard sell going on across the street and we hoped to get some interested parties. As we were distributing the items I came across another interesting Homestead. Yes I have a photo, click to believe.


            You are correct! We here at The Ford Homestead are such nice, welcoming people, that others want to be near us. It is in part due to my more than, friendly personality!


            My leaf blower has all but given up, and I keep thinking I would like to get a new leaf blower. I have looked at the electric versions (AKA battery powered) and they are costly. Our neighbor who is still employed and not on a fixed income, has recently purchased a string trimmer and a lawn mower that are battery powered. It must be nice to be a real person and be able to afford all those nice items. The battery powered leaf blower I would like to have, cost more than some gas powered lawn mowers.

            If one goes battery powered, you need to consider if in the future, would you purchase another battery powered piece of equipment, and if so, you want it to be the same brand, so the batteries are interchangeable.

            I can’t ask my favorite wife to pick up more aluminum cans, she is working 12 hours a day now, and that would be just too much to ask!


            Well I need to move a couple items in the garage, so I got to go. I did build a couple more bird houses just in case someone asks for one.


Breaking news! We have sold the items that were sitting on the driveway!



Have a safe weekend and think about…!


Senior wildlife photographer and all around nice guy, Don the Ford
