
Saturday, April 16, 2022

Someone died for me? 04.16.2022

            The Son of Man, as he referred to himself, came to earth, born of a Virgen, lived, taught, and died a horrible death for someone like me. You should accept Jesus as your savior, believe in him, and even though we have sinned many times, our sins will be forgiven.   


            It happened again; as some of you may know, my wife had been scheduled for surgery and they canceled 3 times in the last 9 months. Well, it happened again yesterday. She was again scheduled for surgery, this time mid-April, and now it is canceled. There is a difference this time, we canceled the surgery.

            I explained that scheduling any surgery will need to be with our approval, they should not send us a time and date without conferring with us. I have also scheduled a meeting with the doctor to discuss everything. Then after the meeting with the doctor we will decide how to proceed.

            Topic change; I believe I had mentioned that we have received the 4th virus shot, you know the old people can get them. Well, we got them on Thursday, and all was well with me until Thursday night. I woke up in the middle of the night having a chill, I was freezing. It took a while with the cover up around my neck, but I did warm up. Then I was hot and restless the rest of the night.

            Friday morning, my body felt as if I had worked in the yard all day, everything was hurting. It was like I had the flu. Friday afternoon I was back to normal and I had a good night sleep last night! My favorite wife was not affected by the shot.

            Virus test; a little different version of the above story. I was feeling so crummy that I took an at home virus test yesterday. I don’t have the virus.

            New subject: fornication has been seen various times here at the Ford’s Homestead. Now before that one person gets all excited, allow me to explain. The birds who are building the nest inside the bird house closest to where I sit in the afternoon, have been repeatedly fornicating. They have no shame, they do it and make noise while doing it. There is nothing I can do, it is consensual, she and he both seem to be enjoying it! Photo to follow.

            For that one person, you can look up the word fornicating.


            Have a good Easter, and consider the meaning of Easter!



 Senior person who believes, Don the Ford

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