
Sunday, April 3, 2022

It was a jet 04.03.2022


            The Tres and I go out front each morning, even though there is no newspaper to retrieve. This morning as I was scanning the sky, the sun was not quite up yet, but the sky was a bright light blue. Just above the horizon I could see what appeared to be a vapor trail from a jet plane. This vapor trail was unusual in that it was very short and it was a light brown in color. There was one other difference in the vapor, it was moving with what I assumed to be a jet. (Allow me to explain something, the vapor trail front and back were moving as one, the trail was not getting longer, it was moving.)

            Understand please, I could not see the jet. I could see a very short light brown vapor trail that was coming up from the horizon. When I say short, it appeared to me as being ¼ inch long, of course it was many miles away.

            Then the vapor trail disappeared. No vapor trail, no jet plane. In a few seconds possibly less than 15, the vapor trail was again there, and it was still moving. I should note, for that one person who might be interested, the vapor trail was coming from the north east.

            The vapor trail again disappeared and there was a shiny spot which I assumed was the jet. Then this shiny spot seemed to have lights like landing lights coming from it, which made me believe it was a jet, but why would a jet have landing lights on while it was flying several miles high.

            The shiny object disappeared and the vapor trail also disappeared, did it come back, I don’t know, as me and Tres came back into the house. No, it wasn’t a UFO, it was just a jet in the sky and there were optical allusions for this ole senior person to see, but I did find it interesting.

            Topic change, Alex’s scout troop did good in their car wash yesterday. The money they rase goes towards the cost of summer camp. They will have a couple more washes before camp time.             Note; we had both of our vehicles washed and they looked good. The van was left out on the drive way all day and when I went to put it into the garage in the afternoon, the windshield was covered with green pollen from the red oak trees.  

            I will not bother you with what I did yesterday, no one wants to know that I mowed both the back 40 and the front yards, I pulled baby trees from the Jasmin beds, then I sprayed the beds with something my first wife provided, to help them grow, or that I watered all the flowers and berries out back. Photo to follow of the Tres enjoying new mowed back 40.

            I will tell you that my favorite wife and I ate lunch at a burger place, and it was not good, but we did sit outside during happy hour and rested from all the toils of the day. 

Happy Sunday to you!

Senior retired ole person Don the Ford       

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