It happens every morning here at the homestead, “Dark-thirty”! Now for that person, allow me to explain that dark-thirty occurs about one hour before sun rise. For some reason, the birds in our neighborhood begin to sing their songs before the sun comes up. I often wonder if they are calling for the sun to come up, which would make it possible to see so they can begin flying. Just another question for this senior person to consider.
Yesterday, what can I say about yesterday? My favorite wife went to town, leaving me here with the dog and cats. I decided to mow the back forty, and as usual I picked up sticks, dog droppings, dog toys, and the garden hose.
I went to the ole riding mower and checked the oil, put some gas in it and began to mow. I had made about 4 passes through one portion of the back 40, when I noticed that the left front tire was low. Nope it was not low, it was flat, and loose from the wheel.
To correct this, I would need to raise the front wheel up off the ground. I would need a strap to put around the tire in an effort to cause the tire to be against the wheel before inserting air. To get air I would need to carry the air tank to the garage and get air from the compressor into the air tank. Then I would need to carry the tank back to the mower.
Do you have any idea how annoying it is to want to mow, but first you have to put about 30 minutes of physical labor into getting the mower ready? Well, this ole senior knows, it is very annoying and disheartening, all the while the tears might be falling from the ole senior’s eyes.
This ole senior person finally got the tire aired up, and he checked all the other tires, and started mowing. He completed the first area and moved on to the second area (like the berry beds that have names, there are 4 areas for mowing). This ole senior had made about two passes through the second area when he noticed that he was singing. For some reason this ole senior was happy and singing. He had an N-95 mask on, due to the high pollen count, and knowing he would be stirring the pollen up even more. He hoped no one could hear him singing and he wondered why he was so happy.
Topic change: allow me to add a couple photos for the viewing public!
The first photo shows the most recent resident of this bird house. In the second photo, it is one of many blooms on the black berry vines. Third is the moon as seen from the Fords ole rocker on the Fords ole driveway, in the early afternoon.
As my favorite wife and I sat outside yesterday afternoon, a friend of ours came running down the street. No, she was not running from someone, she is a runner, and she was just getting her daily exercise. She stopped and we all enjoyed some very pleasant conversations. During her visit, I received a call from and ole friend, and we were able to get caught up on all that was going on with him and us.
All in all, except for the tire incident, this day was very enjoyable, hope yours was also!
Enjoy your blessings!
Senior ole person who is enjoying his blessings, Don the Ford
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