
Monday, April 4, 2022

New week ole schedule 04.04.2022

            As I begin this new week, I wonder if I will be on the old schedule, or will I have some new experiences.

            Yesterday, I tried a new experience, as I was attempting to clean out and straighten my so-called work bench. It is known as so-called, because it is never used, due to the items that litter it and around it. Photo to follow.

            You are correct. This senior retired person lets stuff pile up. I was able to move some items and I tossed out a couple items, but the improvement is not breathtaking.

            I did do something yesterday that was unusual, I repositioned a camera that I had purchased close to a year ago. This camera has a solar panel to charge it, or it can be charged in the house. I took it out back and it points at the back of the house, it is attached to the ole kids swing frame. This camera records video with sound, and I can talk to someone who is standing near to it. I tell you all this to explain the following.

            As my favorite wife and I sat outside yesterday afternoon, I was showing her the video from my phone, that the camera out back was producing. We both thought it was good, and as I was looking at the video, she, looking up into the tree noted that there was a bird up there making a lot of noise. That is when we realized that the bird sounds were coming from my phone, which was coming from the camera out in the back 40.

            This morning Tres was laying on the back porch, and I checked the camera to see if it was working properly. I saw the Tres laying there so I decided to say something and see if he could hear me, as the camera is about 50 feet away from where he was laying.

            I said, “Tres it's me”, his ears stood up and he looked in the direction of the camera. I said it again and he kept looking. Then I made a clicking noise that I use when we are walking to get his attention, he began to bark like crazy. I had to get up from the ole computer and go to the back door to get him to come in, so he would stop barking. Well, I know the sound from the camera works both ways.

            I need to get ready to take the kids to school, see you later!

Have a blessed day!

Senior person who has several things I should do today, but will I, Don the Ford

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