
Saturday, August 29, 2020

How do they move 08/29/2020

            Due to the fact, there is nothing on TV, most of the time, that a senior citizen such as me would want to see, especially on Friday evenings, I had begun to consider a couple topics.

            The room was dark, and very quiet. I had just undressed and lay down on the soft bed, as I was making myself comfortable, I noticed a small amount of light coming from the TV room. In this almost total darkness, one can allow their mind to wonder throughout the universe.

            I began to consider gravity. The effect of gravity in outer space is negligible, so I considered, “If a device with a human in it on earth, suddenly went from zero to 300 mph, there would be a force 6 times normal gravity”. My question is, “If that same device with a human in it was in outer space, and suddenly went from zero to 300mph, would the effect on the body be the same as on earth?”

            With my mind still in outer space I thought about propulsion of space ships. On earth, airplanes move due to the propeller pushing and pulling through air, or a jet engine pushing and pulling through air. In other words, the propeller or jet has something to push against, “AIR!” In outer space there is no air, so what does the rocket push against? 

            Speaking of rockets, do the rocket engines need oxygen to burn the fuel, or is the rocket fuel just a continuous explosion?


            Now you see that even without TV, one’s evening in a darken room while laying in bed can be interesting. Get your mind out of the gutter, senior citizens do not think that way, at least not all the time.


            Today is Saturday, wow. What to do on this Saturday? Heck it was 106 here yesterday, I did not sit outside with a cold drink yesterday, it was too hot! It is supposed to be close to that again today, senior citizens do not like to be forced to stay inside.

            We may try eating lunch at a restaurant in the big city of “WACO” today. We always take disinfectant wipes with us; we clean the table when we sit down. We clean our hands after touching a menu. Yes, the silverware gets a cleaning also.


Stay cool, stay safe, be nice!


Senior way out thinker, but with few answers, Don the Ford


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