
Friday, August 14, 2020

Birds in Hewitt 08.14.2020

              As the Tres and I walked yesterday morning, prior to official sunrise, I observed what appeared to be a couple large birds “doing it” in this person’s front yard. As we proceeded up the street the birds stopped flapping their wings and I could see the bird on top was a hawk. He was not a large hawk, possibly a red tail hawk. I could hear other birds in the trees making a lot of noise. Suddenly the hawk flew away and he had a smaller bird in his claws.  Could not tell if it was a baby bird or if it was just a small bird.

              I have a happier bird story. I had written in the past about a white wing dove who was nesting in a tree near the black berries. In that posting, there was a photo of the dove on her nest. I was surveying the back 40 yesterday when I noticed a dove on that same nest. Do they re-use the same nest, or is it another bird using that nest? If you know that answer you are allowed to tell me.

              Yesterday, it was the first time!              Literally, it was the first time I had heard those words!        Now my favorite spouse said those words to me, and I gave her a big hug!      I think it was the first time anyone, not just my spouse of over 5 decades, had ever said those words to me!               Feeling that good for the first time, wow!

              This morning, after Tres and I had our morning constitutional, my present spouse and I took the time to see if we could remove a piece of tape from the Tres belly. It has been there since the operation, it was several inches away from the main incision, and it seemed to be stuck in some hair. Upon further observation we determined that Tres still had staples in him! We called the vet, they said bring him over. I took him to the vet and they did remove the tape and the staples. They didn’t even say sorry, we missed those staples.

              Today (Friday) is this senior retired person who is on a fixed income’s birthday. Now that I am legally old enough to have an adult beverage, I might drive into the city later today and again attempt to get a bottle.

              Speaking of adult beverage, when I was stationed in Fort Lewis Washington, I was 20 years old. I was old enough to learn to kill, but not old enough to have an adult beverage.

              I need to go out to the DIB center and pick up a retiree order. Before that one person asks, I am the retiree!

              What?  Oh, I didn’t tell you what the word was, sorry, I thought I had enlightened you. Here is how this all played out. The Tres had taken me for a walk, I was hot and sweaty, and I had another project to do outside in the morning heat. I said to my first wife, “I am going to do the other project before I take a shower”, to which she replied, “You are smart”! I can’t remember anyone ever saying, I was smart. I did give her a big hug!

May your day be fill with nice comments!

Senior sweaty person who is now considered as smart, Don the Ford

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