
Monday, December 31, 2018

Do they grow 12.31.18

            Today is supposed to be something special, but I can’t think of what it is. I know this is the last day of the year but is that what’s special? December 31st, what is special about that date?

            Well, we might think of it later, let us venture on and see what this wonderful article is about. Now the title line reads, “Do they grow”. I wonder what the author has in mind with that title line question. Many things grow, and in most cases we don’t need to ask the question, as we see these items grow. In this setting, the author is not talking about a plant or young animals.

            Saturday evening my spouse of almost 5 decades had friends over for a meal and a lot of conversation (aka party), here at the Ford Homestead. Now she did prepare a full blown meal for this group of female subjects and it appears they enjoyed themselves.

            I, being a male subject was expelled from the property and I was able to request and receive asylum at the neighbors Man Cave. There was another male subject whose spouse was attending the festival at the Ford Homestead, and he also was able to find accommodations at this friend’s man cave. There were three of us male subjects present. The TV was on and College Football was being played.

            Some history at this point, might be beneficial. The three of us have known each other for 35 plus years. Our kids all grew up here in this neighborhood. During those years, we at various times, went fishing together. We sometimes camped out with the kids and sometimes just fished for several hours at night and then returned home. History information complete.

            The three of us in the Man Cave kinda watching TV, we all had an adult beverage or two. As the evening progressed, we began to harken back to the olden days, each of us relating an old memory or two, and then asking if the others remembered that time. I am not going to attempt to impart any of these memories, even though they were good times, and we did have a lot of fun fishing with the kids along, and at times without the kids.

            What I found interesting about the evening was that some of the memories seemed to have grown, over the years. So my title question, “Do they grow”, would in this setting seem to have an answer of, “Yes they do grow”. If you caught 30 crappie 25 years ago, the amount may have grown to 75 crappie today. Now you understand, “They do grow”!

            December 31st is a special day, it is my sister’s birthday. She was born on December 31st 1928. For that one person who failed in the math class, she will be 90 years old.


Happy 90th Birthday Wilda!

Relived old memories; Don Ford


Saturday, December 29, 2018

Last week of the year 12.29.18

            I do expect to miss date many of my postings this coming year. Heck, I still want to date things as 19XX and not 20XX.

            I just remembered all the crazy things that were thought to possibly happen when the date changed to 2000. If memory serves, they were afraid that many software programs would fail as they were not built to handle dates past1999.

            I even bought into it somewhat, as they were saying that some electrical companies might fail due to program problems. I bought a power generator just in case. I did use it a couple times when a storm knocked out the power. Heck, I even loaned it to neighbors so they could keep their freezers and refrigerators cold or frozen.

            On that subject, a person might be smart and purchase a 2000 to 4000 watt power inverter for those type power outages. One can connect the inverter to their car battery and with the motor running supply power to the refrigerator or freezer. You can’t power the house with one but you could keep the food from spoiling.          

            On the same subject, one should never let their vehicle gas tank get below half full. During power outages gas stations can’t pump gas without electric. Banks can’t operate without electric either, so you can’t get any money in a power outage. Why would you need money in a power outage, all the store use electric and the cash registers don’t work without electric? Even if the store was open the cashier probably couldn’t make change due to the level of education.

            How the heck did I get on this subject?        

            Let’s talk echo dot. There is a video on the so-called news where a boy who appeared to be 5 years old was setting at the table doing math. The boy asks Alexa, what is 5 minus 3, and Alexa said 2. I know our kids are into all these computers and such, and I don’t doubt that kids do use these devices to do homework. I also wonder if the parents may have set this up so they could get some publicity.

            The temperature now is 36 degrees, and we are told it will only get up to 44 degrees as a high today. That sounds like winter to me!

            My spouse of almost 50 years is having her open house this afternoon. She makes a bunch of food and invites her friends to attend. There is a lot of eating and talking that goes on, but no gossiping.


Food and conversation, what could be better?


Freezing my back side off; Don Ford 


Friday, December 28, 2018

Artificial intelligence 12.28.18

            We have enjoyed the echo dot since it was installed. I can now turn the light next to my chair on and off without getting up, all I say is “Alexa turn on the lamp”. Is the echo dot, “Alexa”, considered artificial intelligence, or just a good computer program with access to the internet? (I just had my computer reading this back to me. The computer said, “Alexa”, and the unit responded. Device communicating with device!)

            I ask Alexa to meow like a cat, and when it does, Tres sits there looking for the cat. That is fun.

            I have satellite radio in both vehicles, so I called them to see if I could get free satellite radio on my cell phone. The answer was, if you have some type of premium subscription then it is free otherwise it is about $6.00 per month additional. I am definitely considering checking the FM free stations to see if I would be happy without the paid satellite version. (My echo is playing FM radio as I write this)

            Another thing that irritates me, and no it isn’t my diaper rash, if I was a new customer I could get the service for 99.00 plus tax title and license, be able to use it on my phone, and they would give a new customer a free echo dot to sign up. But a customer who has two vehicles and has been with them for several years, they charge more and no echo dot.

            Guess what, I will not renew, and they can kiss my Nash! I don’t have a Nash, but if I did, I would be a Rambler, and have a cool car! If you are old enough, you know what I am talking about, if not, ask a senior person.  

            Oddly enough, I like to listen to public radio on Sunday afternoon. They have a segment where they read short stories. Some of the stories are real good, some are odd and a few suck, but they are well written. Try it, you might like it!

            We received about an inch and half of rain Wednesday night, and Thursday was one of the loveliest days we have had. The Blue sky and warm sunlight was so nice.

            Another change in the subject.

            There is a commercial on the TV, it is an insurance commercial, where a motorcycle rider is hit by several birds as he rides down the country road. Now I, having ridden a few miles on a motorcycle, would naturally have hit a bird, and almost hit a buzzard. This comment has nothing to do with my story, that information is merely history for your education.

            The TV commercial did bring to mind a time, when a bunch of us were riding one late afternoon, heading for a place to get some tea and supper. Since I was riding with a bunch of wing nuts, there was two way radio communications between the bikes. One of the lead bikes said, “We are riding through a swarm of bees”! I immediately ducked in behind the windshield, and not a second to soon. At 60 mph the bees were impacting the windshield and other parts of the bike, I did not get stung once! Motorcycle riding was fun, and as you now know, occasionally unusual!

            It is Friday, you should be getting ready to enjoy another couple days of rest and relaxation, or whatever. You should stop reading this, stop working, and get ready for the weekend now!


Alexa, get my chair ready for a nap!


Learning new ways; Don Ford


Thursday, December 27, 2018

What if 12.27.18

      As I was sitting on the Fords ole rocker, cup of coffee in hand, a thought came to me. Now it isn’t unusual for me to have a thought, and occasionally I have an odd thought. Today my thought was not only odd, but way out there.

            Please allow me to state my thought, and then follow it up with a couple additional stimulants.

1.        What if there was a way for you to go back in time, to a point where you were one week old. You are told that in doing so, you will re-live your entire life exactly as you have, nothing will change, everything will be exactly the same and you will not be aware you are reliving your life. If you don’t accept this change, you will live your normal life and pass at an unknown date. 

            Think about it, would you want to unknowingly, re-live your life?

2.        What if there was a way for you to go back in time, to a point where you were one week old. You are told you will live a life of someone you don’t know. You will live the same number of years but in doing so, you will not have a choice of what nationality you will be, and no memory of a past life. If you don’t accept this change, you will live your normal life and pass at an unknown date. 

            Think about that, would you want to live a completely different life?

3.        What if there was a way for you to go back in time, to a point where you were one week old. You are told you will live a life of someone of the opposite sex. You will live the same number of years but in doing so, you will not have a choice of what nationality you will be. You would have no memory of a past life. If you don’t accept this change, you will live your normal life and pass at an unknown date. 

            Think about that, would you want to live a completely different life, and a different sex?

            Since you would have no memory of your past life, you don’t know today if you have lived another life, or if you have lived several other lives. Heck, you may have lived this life many times before and not even know it.


            I told you they were odd thoughts.


I think this is my fifth life, but I am not sure!


Senior Fellow of unusual thoughts; Don Ford


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

December 26th 12.26.18

            Well it is now the day after and most of the excitement is over, that is, unless you have received some video games. Having received said games you may stay excited for days and possibly weeks. I did not receive any video games. I have now calmed down.
            I did reluctantly ask for one thing. I asked for a clap on, clap off device. I wanted it hooked to the lamp next to my chair. With the clapper I would no longer need to get up to activate or deactivate the light next to my chair, I would just clap my hands. I did not get a clap on clap off.
            I did get way too many things which I like, but did not ask for. I received gift cards to the coffee place with star in its name. I received a Grinch coffee cup. I also received some clothes, and some peppermint candy. I received a gift card to the hardware store with Freight in its name. I received something called the echo dot and all I need to do now is say turn the lamp on and it comes on.
            I think the dot is as good as a clap on. They say it will do other things, so I did ask it to bark like a dog. It barked and Tres just ignored it. Does that mean I need to learn new things?
            The grand kids, as usual, made out like bandits. Our family was here on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. My spouse of almost 50 years prepared two, really good meals, we all ate too much. The good news was, some of the dishes were put in the dish washer, so I only had to wash the pans and items that are not dish washer safe. Less work for a retired senior person.
            Our adopted family came over later in the afternoon. They are just like family, they arrived for food and then some gift exchange. All in all Christmas was good, the only thing that would have made it better would have been brothers, sisters, niece’s nephews and other family members here with us at the Ford Homestead.
            We hope you had a nice Christmas Holiday!
            We had A very nice Christmas!

            Don Ford



Sunday, December 23, 2018

Merry Christmas 12.23.18


            May your Christmas be Merry, and your family be blessed! As we enjoy our holiday, the giving and receiving of gifts, try to remember the true meaning of Christmas.


            A baby was born, who lived, taught, and died, for you and me. Take a little time this Christmas to consider the original meaning of Christmas, share it with your Family and friends.  


                        Thank You and Merry Christmas



Saturday, December 22, 2018

A cold winters night 12.22.18

               I have a photo that should confirm the title line, “a cold winter night”. In truth, this photo was taken Thursday evening about 5:30 pm. And winter did not officially begin until yesterday, December 21st.
               Tres and I had ventured outside for a breath of air, and to allow him to relieve himself. I must remember to take the poop scooper over to the neighbor’s yard as Tres likes to defecate there. As I turned to head back into the Homestead I looked up and saw what I thought was a wonderful winter moon. The temperature outside is rather cool, down in the low 50s, so it not only looked like a winter moon, the evening felt wintery. The moon looked as if it is almost a full moon.
               Yesterday was (reportedly) the shortest day of the year, maybe that is why the schools let all the kids out after only a half day. Two shorts, the winter solstice, and half day of school. Most people do not have the ability to see these reasoning’s, so I feel the need to report what I see to you, the reading public. 
               Alex is having a party at school today. My first wife and I plan to attend. School gets out at 12:00 today, but if you attend the party you can sign the kid out at 10:30. Then we will need to determine whether Alex and I go somewhere for lunch or not. I wonder if Alex has money for lunch. No, the first wife would not go with us, as Friday is her day to shop. 
               We arrived at the school and all the parking spots were taken. We took a parking spot that was identified for district staff. I became district staff, I parked there. My present spouse left her purse in the vehicle. She took her driver’s license out of the purse and I put it in my pocket without looking at it. To get inside the school, you need a driver’s license, they put the info in the computer, then it prints a pass that you stick on our shirt as an ID. There was a long line in front of us, possibly 100 people.
               After a while we worked our way up to about 10 people from the computer, when I pulled the driver’s license out of my jacket pocket. Donna had not given me her license, she had given me her credit card. I had to basically run to the truck get in her purse get her license and run back. I made it just as she was at the computer. I was surprised that no one hollered at me for seemingly, cutting into the line.
               Now the real odd thing, we handed our license to the lady and she entered our data into the computer. Donna got her ID but they ran out of paper and had to put a new roll in the machine. It printed my ID out half on one tag and half on another. The lady put the one half on my shirt then she put the other half on my shirt. We went into the building and had a good time with Alex.
               Later, at home I removed my two part ID. I told my first wife that the photo on the ID did not look like me. We took a closer look and it was Donna. They had given me Donna’s ID! She also had her ID.

               Above photo is Alex having a snack at the classroom party. Next photo is Alex on the left and his buddy on the right.

               Buddies saying so-long till school starts again.
Christmas Holiday is upon us, ready or not!
Author and editor; Don Ford


Friday, December 21, 2018

Family or Friends 12.21.18

            In this testimony I will use a line from a prayer that I hope most people know.

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

            I am not going into who originated the prayer that this statement was taken from, but, if you don’t know, then nothing stated later will mean anything to you. 

            Trespasses has several meanings, but for my comment it will mean, wrong doing.

Forgive us our wrong doings, as we forgive those who do us wrong”.

            If we have a family member or friend who we think has wronged us, or maybe we have wrong someone, possibly we haven’t spoken to this friend or family member in a long time, we need to be the one who renews the relationship.

                        “Forgive others, as we are being forgiven.”

        Allow me to Change my point of view:

          We are probably better off when we have nothing to do with those terrible, use to be friends, and so-called family members. Who needs them anyway? They are nothing but a pain in the backside. We have too many things going on in our life, we do not need the addition of a friend and certainly don’t need Family.

          You can’t count on a so-called friend or family member to be there when you need them. We are happier without them, and we enjoy using our time criticizing them, and it is fun thinking bad things about them, and hoping something bad happens to them.

          If something bad were to happen to these, “Use to be friends or family members”, who cares, they don’t care enough about me to call me or visit me, and we certainly are not going to be the one who forgives and forgets. We didn’t start this, and we are not going to be the one who has the character to forgive, and forget! We can always find new friends, and Family members, can go to heck!   


Will your actions, allow you to be blessed from above, with love, kindness and forgiveness!


Preacher; Don Ford


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Your hand was ware? 12.20.18

            It was a typical morning in my office area, the room was quiet, and cool. This office area was originally a part of the garage. I enclosed it many years ago, but I did not extend the heating and air conditioning to this little space. The only sound here in the office was coming from the fan that provides air to the base of the computer.
            There was a cup of coffee sitting next to me on the desk. The lighting in the room seemed somewhat dim which is odd as I had replaced the lighting a week or two ago. I decided to provide a little more light by turning on the Christmas Story lamp, which is located on my congested desk.
            The lamp is in storage most of the year, and is brought out during the Christmas holiday season. This lamp sits where I can easily observe it, next to my computer. On the round base there is a ladies shoe, the foot, and leg, which appears to be of a woman. The leg has a fancy nylon stocking on it, and the lamp shade resembles a ladies dress.
            This wonderful little lamp when activated, provides a warm glow, which seems to cover the desk with a mellow warm light, and it does add to my Christmas spirit.
            Today as I reached under the dress to activate the lamp switch, a thought came to mind. I turned to my spouse of almost 50 years and said, “I just reached under her dress”. My spouse looked at me, and walked a little closer to see if she had understood my confession. I then repeated my confession, and repeated the action, as my spouse looked on. I had in fact reached under her dress to activate the light.
            Now I am not sure if the warm glow from the light is what makes the room feel so warm and comfortable, or is it the feminine leg that provides the glow. 
Do you have a warm glowing imagination, or just cold, dull, and boring dreams
Master imagination provider: Don Ford


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas by the Donald 12.19.18

            The title line, “Christmas by the Donald”, is in reference to me, not the Donald in Washington. As everyone knows I like to be considered as silly, maybe the other Donald can be considered Silly also. Anyway, this soon to be well written article has nothing to do with those politicians, it has to do with, “my artistic genius”.
            I have created a wonderful center piece for our Christmas table. I have even enlisted my spouse of almost 50 years to help decorate this piece of art. I have two photos, one with just ribbons installed and the other with Santa and a couple dear. Don’t even ask what this one of a kind art work is worth, you can’t afford It!
            You are correct, there are probably only a couple people in the entire world that could produce a center piece like that. No, we haven’t considered having a show of my artistic items.
            Would you believe, there are two investors who have been willing to purchase the above art work, and would you also believe, both financiers want to display the art work at various locations around the United States.  
            I should note that two of my art works are on display as I write. Last year prior to Christmas a neighbor asked for a candle holder. I created one that would hold two candles, she explained that she needed something with 4 candles. I created a second holder for two candles and then she had candle holders for 4 candles. They are being displayed in her kitchen window now. Oh, she has now asked for a, “Candle Displayer”, that is what I am calling the above art work, for her home. It is fun when one is a popular artist.
            I went to the eye doctor yesterday and he said, “Everything looks good, come back in 6 months”. They dilated my eyes and then shined lights in my eyes, I don’t like that. He said my brain looked normal, I wonder what normal is! I didn’t know he could see my brain through my eyes, do you think he can see what I am thinking?
            I swept up the excess leaves along the curb yesterday, using my old trash containers. When you are retired and on a fixed income you make the best of what you have. Photos will follow.
The ole house trash container has one flat side, and it works great to sweep leaves into it.
            Above we see the ole house trash container, nested inside and ole garbage container. The ole garbage containers are no longer use by the trash pickup people, so it has a secondary use, leaves. I put a leaf bag inside the round container and then dump the leaf into it.
            If you hang around me enough you will surely learn something, even if it is just, “The Donald is Silly!” I do like to be silly!
Allow your artistic skills to materialize, the world will stare!
Senior artists extraordinaire: Sir Donald The Ford


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tick Tock watch or clock 12.18.18

            I guess one could say, there are many old things at the Ford’s Homestead. I will begin by talking about one of the old objects which I am sure is older than, yours truly. I have an old pocket watch that was originally owned by my uncle Jake Ford. Jake was a railroad worker, and by that statement you should now understand that the watch was or is, a railroad watch.

            My uncle Jake carried the watch until he became unable to see due to cataracts. Being unable to see the hands on the watch, he gave the watch to his brother George Ford, who happened to be my dad. Dad was a younger brother to Jake. Dad had, and carried the watch for years. When Dad Passed the watch was given to me. 

            I would like to find a real honest watch repairman and get the watch repaired. The following photo is of the watch.


            If you have items that have a family history you should make notes of the history so the history don’t die with a passing.

            I have another pocket watch that my first wife purchased for me several years ago. It is a very nice watch, which may have been given to me on one of my birthdays.

            I also have another much less expensive pocket watch, a battery powered watch. I have seen a watch like this one on the internet for $9.99 and free shipping. Today I went to the Wally world and purchased a battery for this watch. The battery cost $7.50, full disclosure, there were two batteries, and I only needed one. The batteries cost two thirds what the watch cost.

            I have a Mickey Mouse wrist watch. I use to wear it when I traveled, you know when our cell phone were flip phones and we did not use then to tell time. Also, when on an air plane one could not look at the phone to get the time so a watch was still a useful tool.

            I was on a flight to Oregon, and I was sitting by a female. We struck up a conversation and at some point in the conversation I looked at my watch. I don’t remember where Mickey’s big hand and little hand were (what time it was). The female observed the Mickey Mouse watch and she said to me, “You seem to be the kind of person who would have a Mickey Mouse watch”. I have no idea if it was a negative or positive comment she was making, but I being the optimist, took it as a positive statement! If you can’t have fun don’t do it, and I see my Mickey Mouse watch as fun!

            Is anyone watching the time, do I need to be doing some work for my present spouse? It seems as if I have taken it easy most of the day today, nice!

            Tomorrow I might show you our latest candle holder. We are into Christmas decorations and I have a new candle holder for the center of the table, that is if she will allow me to place it there.


            Family members are a part of us, we should get along with each other. I am asking each of you to forgive and get back together. This comment is not directed at any one person, but if the shoe fits, then you should do something about it.

            Maybe you believe someone has done you wrong, and maybe you are right. I want you to be the one who goes to the other family member and makes things right. Come on people it is almost Christmas, get some Christmas spirit, I don’t mean giving a present, I mean Christmas spirit! We are supposed to love our neighbor, which also means family members.     

            What would your mother say to you? You are family, act like it!


Give something special this holiday season, your love!


Senior minister;  Don Ford


Monday, December 17, 2018

Somewhat different 12.17.18

            I have a couple photos that you could compare if you like. On the left is before, and on the right is after. Did you notice how these photos are politically correct?
                        LEFT: Old, odd and liberal.    RIGHT: New, contemporary and conservative.
                                    NARBNL          Not Always Right But Never Left
            Heck even the cabinet photos here at the Ford Homestead are politically correct.
            I had a very busy afternoon. I had decided to unload the bags of leaves from the Ford’s ole Chevy. By the way, one should never put bags of leaves in the back seat of their truck. You might think the bags are fairly clean, that they don’t smell too bad, and the leaves will stay inside the bags. If you stuff 4 bags of leaves in the back seat of your truck be prepared to do a lot of cleaning when you remove them.
            Before I could back the truck into the back 40 I decided to pick up dog poop. I had tools and do not touch the actual dog droppings. There are two main areas that Tres uses when he defecates so I cleared both areas. As I was clearing the final area I happen to look up and there was Tres making a deposit. How helpful can one be?
            After the field was cleared of all mines, I backed the Ford’s ole Chivy into the back 40 and unloaded the bags of leaves onto the Ford’s ole trailer. The trailer is now full of leaf bags.
            I had not water the flowers in the Ford’s ole hot house so I prepared to introduce water onto the plants. Mission accomplished, and since I had the hose out, I then decided I needed to clean the leaves and dirt from the truck. That was a labor intensive project in its self. The truck does look better.
            I, having worked myself to a point of almost total exhaustion, I procured a cup of coffee and sat on the Ford’s ole rocker near the garage door on the drive way. As luck would have it, as I was trying to check the weather on the ole cell phone, the phone took a photo of me. How do the cell phones do that? In the photo you will be able to see my tired ole body trying to recover from this afternoon of labor. Click the photo if you want to see a senior laborer.

            In this photo, the hansom senior person is trying to not show his weak, worn out, frail, over worked, outlook, instead he is attempting to present a more positive, I can do it position. A senior’s work is never done!  

            What? Yes it is new, why do you ask? Well I like it, even if you don’t! You don’t have to look at it. The CEO here at the Ford Homestead oked the purchase of the hat, and I am happy!

Enjoy the time you have with your family!

Senior Workaholic; Don Ford


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Painting all alone 12.15.18

            Well I did paint some yesterday, all alone in the Ford’s ole garage. I have six cabinet doors that I am allowed to paint. Naturally, I being a perfectionist, had to first clean each door front and back. After cleaning and allowing each door time to dry, I started with the priming. Priming is nothing more than painting.
            The entire time I was working I was wishing I had someone to talk to. Being all alone in this big ole garage, without a friend just isn’t fun. Now Tres was there but he was sleeping on a rug. Do you feel sorry for me? It would have helped if I had a 50 inch TV in the Ford’s ole garage. I am not suggesting that as a Christmas gift, there is no place to put it, darn it!
            I primed one side of each door and then had to wait for the primer to dry. Primer and paint dry slower in cool / cold weather so the drying time was slow. I do have a heater in the garage which helped take the chill out, but I can’t say it was real warm.
            After drying time, I was able to prime the other side of each door. Next I painted one side of each door and the paint had to dry before I could paint the other side.
            Finally both sides primed and painted. Today I plan to apply a second coat of paint to both sides. After they dry I will hopefully install the hardware and then reinstall the doors to the cabinets. It seems like a lot of work just to paint six little doors.
            Employed people work from sun to sun, but a retired person’s work is never done.

            Today is the 3rd Saturday here in Hewitt TX, I assume it is the same where you are. The third Saturday is set aside by the City of Hewitt, so it’s public works staff (I started to refer to them as workers but do they) can grind up limbs and take trash that the usual trash truck will not take. As you can imagine the city employees very much enjoy spending every third Saturday helping the citizens of Hewitt. Well I drove out there about 7:30 and there was no one there. I decided to do some painting (see above notes) and then return later to see if they had started later than usual do the cold weather. 9:30 and I returned to the scene, there was one city employee there and he said it was too wet, see you next month.
            I returned to the Homestead with a tear in my eye, not knowing what to do with the 12 bags of leaves that are in the back of my pickup.
            I did get the inside of the doors painted a second time. 
            My first wife and I went to lunch and it was nice to have a little time together were she isn’t working. We returned home and I painted the face of each of the doors, when they dry they will be ready to reinstall. Nap time came and I participated in the practice.
            Waking I jumped from my chair and rushed to the coffee maker for a cup of real coffee. I enjoyed said coffee outside the homestead in the afternoon sun. 4 cookies later I was installing the hinges on the doors.
            My spouse of almost 50 years helped me install the doors. They are not perfect but they look ok. We will have new doors ordered and installed later. My spouse and I are not sure why we didn’t have these door replaced during the remodel project.
            I have a photo of a blue sky through a bare tree. Click to appreciate.

            That blue sky occurred this afternoon, nice!
            The fords ole cell phone took a photo of me and I will include it in this posting. We can’t afford color on all our photos. Click to heighten your pleasure.

            Is it possible that the senior Fellow here at the Ford Homestead has a little Grinch in him? Do you see the Grinch frown on his face? This Grinch has more hair growing on his chin now, if he could just get it to grow on the top of his head.  He was actually having a nice day at this point in time, it turned less nice later.
            There is a Waco Police officer who lives a block away. He has a big German shepherd. They were walking by our house when Tres decided to go visit. Tres ran out there and would not listen to me. He would not come when I called him. He ran circles around the officer and dog. Finally I decided to go home and get a lead, Tres usually likes to be on a lead. As I started for home Tres decided he would go with me. Its times like that when I want to get rid of him.
            Earlier in the day as I was working in the garage there was a couple Punk looking young men walking around. They did not seem to know where they wanted to go, very suspicious. Tres and I was standing there watching them. Times like that I am glad he is there, he isn’t mean, but they don’t know that.

Get rid of the Grinch attitude, be happy!
                        It’s not follow the leader (Grinch), do what you do best! 

Senior Grinch type: Don Ford 


Friday, December 14, 2018

Charlie is better 12.14.18

            I believe I had mentioned in a past posting that Charlie had a hurt leg. We are not sure what the problem was, but I believe he had an infection in his leg. He lay around for several days not doing much of anything. Cats do that, when they get hurt the find a place to lay down and not be bothered. When they get better, they get back to normal life.
            Yesterday the neighbor kids came over wanting to pet Charlie. He usually lets them pet him for a while then he walks away. Well yesterday as the kids were approaching, our hound dog Tres, seeing Charlie out in the open yard, decided to chase Charlie. Charlie in an effort to avoid a confrontation ran to, and climbed, the neighbors tree. As you can see, he is totally recovered. Photo below, click to believe.

            Yesterday I was allowed to remove some cabinet doors that had not been involved in the remodel project. I was allowed to clean them and apply primer. I will paint them today and hopefully I will be able to reinstall them. I have no idea why we did not include them in the remodel project. Remember, you work from sun to sun, a retired person’s work is never done.
            It is cold today and I have some items that I need to paint in the garage. Paint needs to be applied at a fairly warm temperature, if you want it to dry. I will head out to the back 40 and retrieve an electric heater from the Fords old shed to help increase the working temp in the garage. I need the warmth as much as the paint.
            I also will be allowed to take some packages to my former employer, where they will toss them in cartons and send them to some of my first wife’s relative’s.
            My spouse of almost 50 years will be going to town shopping today. Friday is her shopping and unwinding day. She has informed me that she will get new hardware for these cabinet doors that I will be allowed to install. Have you noticed that I am allowed to do many things?
            Well I better get at it, TTUL. (TTUL is Talk to you later)
May you be allowed to enjoy your day!
Always allowed to work; Don Ford
