
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Painting all alone 12.15.18

            Well I did paint some yesterday, all alone in the Ford’s ole garage. I have six cabinet doors that I am allowed to paint. Naturally, I being a perfectionist, had to first clean each door front and back. After cleaning and allowing each door time to dry, I started with the priming. Priming is nothing more than painting.
            The entire time I was working I was wishing I had someone to talk to. Being all alone in this big ole garage, without a friend just isn’t fun. Now Tres was there but he was sleeping on a rug. Do you feel sorry for me? It would have helped if I had a 50 inch TV in the Ford’s ole garage. I am not suggesting that as a Christmas gift, there is no place to put it, darn it!
            I primed one side of each door and then had to wait for the primer to dry. Primer and paint dry slower in cool / cold weather so the drying time was slow. I do have a heater in the garage which helped take the chill out, but I can’t say it was real warm.
            After drying time, I was able to prime the other side of each door. Next I painted one side of each door and the paint had to dry before I could paint the other side.
            Finally both sides primed and painted. Today I plan to apply a second coat of paint to both sides. After they dry I will hopefully install the hardware and then reinstall the doors to the cabinets. It seems like a lot of work just to paint six little doors.
            Employed people work from sun to sun, but a retired person’s work is never done.

            Today is the 3rd Saturday here in Hewitt TX, I assume it is the same where you are. The third Saturday is set aside by the City of Hewitt, so it’s public works staff (I started to refer to them as workers but do they) can grind up limbs and take trash that the usual trash truck will not take. As you can imagine the city employees very much enjoy spending every third Saturday helping the citizens of Hewitt. Well I drove out there about 7:30 and there was no one there. I decided to do some painting (see above notes) and then return later to see if they had started later than usual do the cold weather. 9:30 and I returned to the scene, there was one city employee there and he said it was too wet, see you next month.
            I returned to the Homestead with a tear in my eye, not knowing what to do with the 12 bags of leaves that are in the back of my pickup.
            I did get the inside of the doors painted a second time. 
            My first wife and I went to lunch and it was nice to have a little time together were she isn’t working. We returned home and I painted the face of each of the doors, when they dry they will be ready to reinstall. Nap time came and I participated in the practice.
            Waking I jumped from my chair and rushed to the coffee maker for a cup of real coffee. I enjoyed said coffee outside the homestead in the afternoon sun. 4 cookies later I was installing the hinges on the doors.
            My spouse of almost 50 years helped me install the doors. They are not perfect but they look ok. We will have new doors ordered and installed later. My spouse and I are not sure why we didn’t have these door replaced during the remodel project.
            I have a photo of a blue sky through a bare tree. Click to appreciate.

            That blue sky occurred this afternoon, nice!
            The fords ole cell phone took a photo of me and I will include it in this posting. We can’t afford color on all our photos. Click to heighten your pleasure.

            Is it possible that the senior Fellow here at the Ford Homestead has a little Grinch in him? Do you see the Grinch frown on his face? This Grinch has more hair growing on his chin now, if he could just get it to grow on the top of his head.  He was actually having a nice day at this point in time, it turned less nice later.
            There is a Waco Police officer who lives a block away. He has a big German shepherd. They were walking by our house when Tres decided to go visit. Tres ran out there and would not listen to me. He would not come when I called him. He ran circles around the officer and dog. Finally I decided to go home and get a lead, Tres usually likes to be on a lead. As I started for home Tres decided he would go with me. Its times like that when I want to get rid of him.
            Earlier in the day as I was working in the garage there was a couple Punk looking young men walking around. They did not seem to know where they wanted to go, very suspicious. Tres and I was standing there watching them. Times like that I am glad he is there, he isn’t mean, but they don’t know that.

Get rid of the Grinch attitude, be happy!
                        It’s not follow the leader (Grinch), do what you do best! 

Senior Grinch type: Don Ford 


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