We have enjoyed the echo dot since it was installed. I can now turn the light next to my chair on and off without getting up, all I say is “Alexa turn on the lamp”. Is the echo dot, “Alexa”, considered artificial intelligence, or just a good computer program with access to the internet? (I just had my computer reading this back to me. The computer said, “Alexa”, and the unit responded. Device communicating with device!)
I ask Alexa to meow like a cat, and when it does, Tres sits there looking for the cat. That is fun.
I have satellite radio in both vehicles, so I called them to see if I could get free satellite radio on my cell phone. The answer was, if you have some type of premium subscription then it is free otherwise it is about $6.00 per month additional. I am definitely considering checking the FM free stations to see if I would be happy without the paid satellite version. (My echo is playing FM radio as I write this)
Another thing that irritates me, and no it isn’t my diaper rash, if I was a new customer I could get the service for 99.00 plus tax title and license, be able to use it on my phone, and they would give a new customer a free echo dot to sign up. But a customer who has two vehicles and has been with them for several years, they charge more and no echo dot.
Guess what, I will not renew, and they can kiss my Nash! I don’t have a Nash, but if I did, I would be a Rambler, and have a cool car! If you are old enough, you know what I am talking about, if not, ask a senior person.
Oddly enough, I like to listen to public radio on Sunday afternoon. They have a segment where they read short stories. Some of the stories are real good, some are odd and a few suck, but they are well written. Try it, you might like it!
We received about an inch and half of rain Wednesday night, and Thursday was one of the loveliest days we have had. The Blue sky and warm sunlight was so nice.
Another change in the subject.
There is a commercial on the TV, it is an insurance commercial, where a motorcycle rider is hit by several birds as he rides down the country road. Now I, having ridden a few miles on a motorcycle, would naturally have hit a bird, and almost hit a buzzard. This comment has nothing to do with my story, that information is merely history for your education.
The TV commercial did bring to mind a time, when a bunch of us were riding one late afternoon, heading for a place to get some tea and supper. Since I was riding with a bunch of wing nuts, there was two way radio communications between the bikes. One of the lead bikes said, “We are riding through a swarm of bees”! I immediately ducked in behind the windshield, and not a second to soon. At 60 mph the bees were impacting the windshield and other parts of the bike, I did not get stung once! Motorcycle riding was fun, and as you now know, occasionally unusual!
It is Friday, you should be getting ready to enjoy another couple days of rest and relaxation, or whatever. You should stop reading this, stop working, and get ready for the weekend now!
Alexa, get my chair ready for a nap!
Learning new ways; Don Ford
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