
Friday, December 21, 2018

Family or Friends 12.21.18

            In this testimony I will use a line from a prayer that I hope most people know.

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

            I am not going into who originated the prayer that this statement was taken from, but, if you don’t know, then nothing stated later will mean anything to you. 

            Trespasses has several meanings, but for my comment it will mean, wrong doing.

Forgive us our wrong doings, as we forgive those who do us wrong”.

            If we have a family member or friend who we think has wronged us, or maybe we have wrong someone, possibly we haven’t spoken to this friend or family member in a long time, we need to be the one who renews the relationship.

                        “Forgive others, as we are being forgiven.”

        Allow me to Change my point of view:

          We are probably better off when we have nothing to do with those terrible, use to be friends, and so-called family members. Who needs them anyway? They are nothing but a pain in the backside. We have too many things going on in our life, we do not need the addition of a friend and certainly don’t need Family.

          You can’t count on a so-called friend or family member to be there when you need them. We are happier without them, and we enjoy using our time criticizing them, and it is fun thinking bad things about them, and hoping something bad happens to them.

          If something bad were to happen to these, “Use to be friends or family members”, who cares, they don’t care enough about me to call me or visit me, and we certainly are not going to be the one who forgives and forgets. We didn’t start this, and we are not going to be the one who has the character to forgive, and forget! We can always find new friends, and Family members, can go to heck!   


Will your actions, allow you to be blessed from above, with love, kindness and forgiveness!


Preacher; Don Ford


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