As some of you might know, I pick Alex up from school most afternoons. We are usually toward the head of the line of vehicles, all of which are wanting the vehicle ahead of them to move out of the way so they can get their kids. When Alex gets in the vehicle I am trying to hurry him so we can get out of the other vehicles way. He gets situated as I am moving on the drive and I usually ask if he has his seat belt on.
Yesterday after he was situated he stated, “When you ride a bus you don’t have the use seat belts, the bus drives slow”. I acknowledged that he was correct, although some new buses have seat belts.
The seat belt conversation caused me to begin to think about seat belts and when I first started seriously using the belts. Back many years ago, I was a volunteer fireman here in the city of Hewitt. We not only fought fires but we ran on other calls like medical emergencies and wrecks.
One night we received a call of, “a head on collision”. When we arrived at the scene we found a car, had hit a van, head on. These vehicles were coming over the top of a hill at night, when they collided. There were two young men killed in the car, and the female driver of the van was killed outright. There was a female in the passenger seat and several children possibly as many as 6 kids in the back of the van.
The van had only two seats, one for the driver and one for the passenger. The kids were tossed around inside the van and they had broken bones and all types of injuries, at least one of the kids died.
It took several days for me to get those visions of death and injuries out of my mind. That incident was what caused me to begin using seat belts.
Different subject: I used the walk behind mower for the third time yesterday to clean the leaves from the front yard. It was a fairly cool day so I had to dress warmly, photo to follow.
An observant person would see in the back ground, areas that have been vacuumed, and areas that are still covered with leaves. I worked so hard and long I was an hour late eating lunch.
I again want to present a photo of the yard after it was cleared and then a photo of the neighbor’s yard across the street. The leaves along their curb and in their yard are mostly from our trees.
Alex was somewhat upset with me, saying he wanted to rake those leaves. I agreed to let him rake the leaves next time, as I know there will be one more covering of leaves before the trees are empty. He likes to make a pile of leaves and then jump in them.
I have scheduled Tres an appointment at the vet today. Vets in general, charge way too much.
May your trees stop shedding, and your vet give a 50% discount!
Senior silly grandpa; Don Ford
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