
Monday, December 3, 2018

Got it dun 12.03.18

            For that one person who actually looked at, or maybe even read the title line, dun is pronounced the same as done. I saved one key stroke (one less letter to type) and I also like dun instead of done.
            What did I get done? I was able to get the leaves picked up from the back yard. Now, I still need to attack the front yard, for the third time. If I am able to clear the front yard again today, I will not be finished, as there are still leaves on the oak trees. I assume the neighbors wish the oak trees were clear of leaves, as they will need to share in the cleanup effort.
            Ms. Ford is getting closer to having all her Christmas decorations in place, and it is getting close to time for her to start baking and making candy. There was one decoration that was purchased at the store where everything is a dollar. Being on a fixed income, retired seniors must frequent such stores in order to survive. It would be nice to be able to go to one of those upscale stores like the rest of you all do. If we could shop at Wally World like the rest of you who are not on a fixed income do, it would be such a pleasure. We can’t shop in the upscale stores, so I sit here with a tear in my eye wishing…
            I have a photo of the cheap decorations. Would you believe I was force to pose for this photo? Click if you must.

            There was a comment on the so called TV news this morning about the right age to start kids in school. Basically they said the younger kids were more likely to have A.D.D. and be more unruly in school, and learn slower. They commented on those kids that were born in August and starting school at age five. Five year old kids now days go to kindergarten. I was born in August, I started first grade at the age of five. I had and have A.D.D. Now we know why I can’t read or write. If only they would have started me in the first grade at the age of six, I probably would be able to both, read and write. (Attention Deficit Disorder)

May your shopping be at the upscale stores, like Wally World!

Senior Christmas decoration exhibit; Don Ford


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