
Monday, December 10, 2018

The birthday party 12.09.18

            Few words, several photos. 
 Above, birthday cookie not a cake.    Next Gabi trying to blow out the candles, Alex watching.
Gabi and her best friend Anna Kate.              Other grandparents Ann and David. 
Opening of the presents.                                Birthday girl Gabi!
             Have things to do so I better get at them. What? None of your business what I have to do! No I am not going to take a nap! I have already taken my after lunch nap! Even though it is none of your business, I will enlighten you as to part of what I plan to do.
            First, I plan to get my two new solar powered rope lights and take them to my tallest radio tower. I have a pulley at the top of the tower with a rope. I have one solar powered rope light already attached to the rope, and it is located near the top of the tower. I plan to install the other two rope lights. At night they flash on and off and several people have ask me why the lights are there. My response is, “Cause I like them”! One person thought I was transmitting on the HF radio causing the lights to light up.
            Second, I plan to get a cup of real coffee and enjoy it.
            Third, I can’t plan that far ahead.

15 days till Christmas, are you ready?
Solar Lighting expert; Don Ford


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