We are finally nearing the end of this political race. I, personally have not liked any of the political process in this midterm election. I am tired of seeing these ads on TV and the signs on buildings and in people’s yards.
I assume, some people run for office with good intentions. They want to be a standup leader for the people. When they get into office most of them change into politicians. The definition of politician is, a person who thinks they are important, better than you or I.
As I understand it, the President is going to Cape Girardeau, MO for a rally. I have no idea why he is going there, heck, can his plane even land at the Cape airport. I use to work just down the road from the Cape airport. Maybe he is going there because it is my home town, and he knows how influential I can be in these campaigns. Maybe because it is Rush Limbaugh’s home town, but is Rush as well-known as me? Rush and I went to the same high school.
May your day not be filled with election stuff, unless you like election stuff, then may your day be filled with election stuff!
Campaign enthusiast, NOT; Don Ford
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